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Aw, Humpty Grumpty Spat the Dummy trumpty 'DEFENDS the exit from the Paris Climate Accord.
Now WHO would never have expected him to do just that?
When is this over-inflated shit-dribbling, ego-maniac EVER going to Shut the F**k up?

Triphid 9 Nov 22

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Dropping dead is the only thing that'll shut him up, & I even have doubts about that!

Yep, I reckon he could talk underwater with his mouth filled marbles.

@Triphid I wouldn't put it past him.


I have Had it with this moron for the eleveteenthmillion time!!!!!

I think I started to be disgusted with the arrogant, self-centred,shit dribbling, egomaniac long, long before he got elected.

@Triphid he came here in the early 90's, courting our Mohicans to become their investor in Mohegan Sun Casino. They wisely chose South Koreans. As he left,he sour-grapes stated, for the local news (TV & newspapers), "well, they don't look like Indians"... because for approximately 150 years, it was against the law for whites to marry Indians, so they married people of other colors. "What a moron, I said to myself, "and a nasty one!"...I had never heard of him before.

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