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What's atheism without religion? God's are artificial, so if God's were never invented, we wouldn't celebrate atheism. We would all search for subjective meaning every day. Many of our searches would be simalar to everyone else's searches, like what is love, what's worth fighting for, why have children.
Since religion has done so much damage to humanity, I believe part of our purpose is to defeat religion.

ronodokk 5 Apr 11

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I imagine that is what we do now anyway, I don't mind that other people do other things in other ways its their choice. I can live with that.


Without religion atheism would not exist. We have to, by the fact of our history, define ourselves as what we are not. It's there in the word.
For me that's not the biggest thing in the world, but it's worth thinking about all the groups who are required through historical circumstance (often by said religion) to define themselves by others.

I don't spend any of my time at all defining myself by what I am not -its easy to live life forwards.

@jacpod A-gnostic. Not-knowing. By using the term you've defined yourself as not with relation to knowledge of god.
Which is kind of my point. We have no choice as religion is baked into the language we use, the laws we follow, and a myriad of other parts of daily life.

@RobAnybody. I don't quite get what you are fighting for here I have never ever had a god never will have a god and what I call myself about my state of not having a god is my business not yours and isn't up for interpretation by others -its mine -all mine -I don't give a tinkers cuss; how you define yourself , thats your business. - No one but you is pressing my buttons- I am surrounded by people who are religious who don't give a t.c that I am not.

I find life easy and i find the business of quibbling over words is time wasting - something I usually have found in my life that men love to play at.Please find a man to argue this one out with as its of absolutely no interest to me and no interest what you think of me using the terms I use to describe a state of godlessness which I repeat means nothing to me -


I wasn't aware we celebrated atheism.

In all seriousness though, if religion didn't exist we wouldn't need to do this, sure. But if that was the case I would probably on a space ship in Andromeda by now...


There is an old saying: " In the beginning God created truth. Then the devil said, 'Let us organize truth and call it religion.' "

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