2 7

This is a fantastic way to point out privilege.

Zoltans_Queen 6 Nov 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Privilege = profits ..... slaves sold for profit poison sold for profit


I always thought of it as "being a Republican asshole", but I guess the two may be synonymous?

Unfortunately, it's not just republican assholes to blame. The Keystone pipeline began construction during the Obama era. It was during his administration that all of those Native Americans were abused for protesting and attempting to stop the destruction of their sacred lands. Obama gave the pipeline his blessing and promised to cut through red tape to get it done.

The democrats are better on this, as they are on many things. At least most of them want confederate monuments taken down. But they prioritize corporate profit over protection of the environment and sacred sites.

@RoboGraham It seems like, the more I learn about Obama, the less I like him. I wasn't paying much attention during his years. I just kinda trusted that he was a good guy and a good leader. But now, in retrospect, he did a lot of messed up stuff.

@RoboGraham, @Zoltans_Queen But recall that Obama changed course and killed the further expansion of the pipeline in 2015. That's why one of Trump's first acts was reauthorizing it.

I agree, neither party is perfect. But one is far more imperfect on these issues.


Yes, I'm glad he finally caved to the pressure. Do you know what the Biden people have planned for it?


It was similar for me. I started waking up to the shortcomings and evil of Obama and the rest of the democrats only after he left office.

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