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There is a growing sentiment among intelligent people that could not be more idiotic!

"We should not breed because the world ext. so therefore I won't.

Slow clap

Idiots are spawning out kids like Santa's conveyor belt the day before Christmas Eve. Greedy power hungry people are leading the dumb masses around the globe like wildfire and intelligent, critical thinking people are throwing in the towel.

Let's be clear, we can't kill the planet! We can wipe out all mid to large animals, devastate the plant kingdom and we can seriously change the environment but get these egos in check, we can't kill the planet. It will be here for a very long time with or without us.

By choosing not to breed you are part of the problem. We need intelligent people for our species to survive and find more sustainable ways to coexist with the delicate ecosystem that we are currently dismantling.
We need practical philosopher's to help with people's views and beliefs. We need more Elon Musks (inventor entrepreneurs) and scientists. We need more intelligent leaders!

I suspect that intelligent people are generally unhappy. The thought of bringing kids into their miserable world is appalling. Ironically children change this. This is why I'm no longer incurably and cynically detached from this word. For one thing I don't get enough sleep to get that philosophical lol. But seriously the thoughts and views that spout of my kids give me my dopamine release, I mean hope.

daniellaws 5 Nov 28

Enjoy being online again!

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It appears that you are trying to beat around the bush about the FACT that human overpopulation is threatening the ecosystem, our species, and many other species.We simply have too many people consuming too many resources, and producing unmanageable volumes of waste.

You appear to be one of those people who believe that the human species is so smart that it can conquer nature, That is a false belief. We can never nullify natural forces. We can alter them, divert them, , manipulate them in some way, but those forces will always remain and will provide real limits. And, for every attempt we make to master nature, there are always significant unintended consequences -- many of them highly damaging to the species and environment.

It is exactly this curse of culture -- the belief that we can maser and control nature to the nth degree -- that has caused our species to do so much damage over time. We would be a damned sight better if we focused our efforts on figuring out how we can align ourselves with natural forces.


Please explain what "world ext." means.


I have no interest in having children for a couple of reasons. Mainly, I would never want to continue my family's horrendous cycle of abuse. No way I can live with the guilt of having a child and fucking them up that way. It's just not for me.

However, it does make sense for other intelligent people (perhaps well-adjusted people) to have children assuming they have the means to care for them.

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