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This is the most thought provoking thing I've seen in quite a while.

No matter where you are politically, it's worth watching with an open mind.

Zoltans_Queen 6 Dec 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Neither unfettered capitalism nor unfettered communism is good for humanity. However, socialism, allied with a capitalistic incentive in which the discrepancy between wealth and poverty is controlled by progressive taxation, would counter the worst aspects of both systems. There would still be rich people and poor people, but fewer "super rich" or "abject poor".

This response makes a lot of sense. Why would anyone see people homeless, without food, dying and falling ill on pavements when there's so much those who can make the difference, can do.

I will say this again - money and religion is not part of our make up as human beings. We would've (still can) survived and flourished without it.

This is where I stand. A mixed economy that takes the best of both systems and puts them into action using the two to balance each other out.

This is what we need to do. Right now, we are too far into the capitalist system. We need to incorporate more socialism to limit the greed and excess of capitalism and provide more of an equality of opportunity for our people.

"We need to incorporate more socialism to limit the greed and excess of capitalism and provide more of an equality of opportunity for our people."

I like that idea. We cannot continue to be powerless witnesses to human suffering when there are solutions to consider putting an end to it.


You need to read THE NEW CLASS by Milovan Djilas. Djilas was was a communist leader and became vice president in Yugoslavia under Tito. But, over time he became disillusioned with Marxism and communism and wrote the book explaining what the deadly serious flaws in Marxism are. For writing the book, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. His book is the most through explanation and criticism ever written.

He sounds like a very interesting figure. I would like to learn more. I'll take a look at the book you recommend. I think it's very important to learn from the mistakes of those who put Marxism into action in the past so we can avoid those issues as we shift things further left here in the USA.

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