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I hope friends and Members here may give me a little leeway and understanding IF I should appear a bit Aggro at times today.
I do apologise here in advance, BUT I was awoken by a phone call at 4.00 am this morning.
Still half asleep I answered the phone before checking the Caller I.D.
The first thing I heard was a female voice screaming at me, " Where is my , Matthew, I've been ringing his mobile every day for the last week and getting no answer, I am sending him $5.00 per month extra so he can you to keep an eye on him, now get your arse moving, go to his front door, wake him, tell him to answer his phone immediately."
I told her as calmly as I could that, " I was NOT going to go and knock on his door since, a) he was NOT at home and had not been there for a fortnight from yesterday (Sunday), b) what ever monies she claims to sent him to '' me to 'keep an eye on him' I have NEVER received, c) her is 57 years of age later this month, about as popular as a dose of the Pox around this town and neighborhood, and, d) I WILL be contacting Telstra, reporting this phone call and requesting that your number be placed on my DO NOT Call list with them and FFS, get him some serious Psychiatric Treatment for his obvious Mental Derangement and Paranoic Behaviours."
Who the F**k does this woman think she is, does she think that everyone else HAS to BE her sons Keeper?

Triphid 9 Dec 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Hi @Triphid,

I'm sorry to interrupt here β€” I'm not trying to hijack the thread β€” but am I the only one who has noticed for many months that there are words that seemingly at random get stripped out from posts? This happens often, but I noticed it a lot in this post in particular. The word "son" and another word or phrase I'm not quite sure of, maybe "pay," seems to be stripped out in a couple of spots (which I've denoted in the quotes below with a ? marker):

" Where is my ?, Matthew, I've been ringing his mobile every day for the last week and getting no answer, I am sending him $5.00 per month extra so he can ? you to keep an eye on him, now get your arse moving, go to his front door, wake him, tell him to answer his phone immediately."

b) what ever monies she claims to sent him to ''? me to 'keep an eye on him' I have NEVER received, c) her ? is 57 years of age later this month,

I'd like to bring this up to Agnostic site support, but can you confirm that there's text that has been stripped out and verify what words they are? In two cases, I'm almost positive the word is "son" (though "sons" is displaying for me) but in the others it might be "pay" or something along those lines. Are other people seeing the words? Maybe it's just my account somehow? Are there any other missing words that I overlooked?

Thanks if you're able to help me figure this out so I can bring it up to the powers that be. And, again, I'm sorry for interrupting this post for an unrelated topic.

You're 100% correct there.
Words/phrases seem to be getting stripped out even though I know for certain that I typed them in from the start.
maybe the Admin/s might like to see where this 'gremlin' is hiding whilst it does its nasty little work.

@Triphid Thank you for confirming. I'll use this post as an example, if you don't mind, when I bring this up to the site admins. It happens a lot, but without rhyme or reason that I've been able to determine, but this post seems to be the clearest example I've seen. Thanks again!

@resserts No problems M8, none what-so-ever, go for it.


I can truly feel sorry for you today granted not awakened at four in the morning but still put in the middle of some b*** that I really didn't need, so your apology in advance is accepted and understood. And I sincerely hope things go better as the day goes on and into tomorrow. πŸ˜‰

Thank you and so I also hope as well.


She thinks you are the sucker she pays a whole 5 bucks to keep tabs on her son, DUH! lol

To be 110% honest, I wouldn't be his keeper for ALL the Tea in China.


So much for your peace & quiet! If she wants nothing to do with her son, why the hell is she so bent out of shape about it?

To be 100% honest, bugger if I know.
But at least Telstra has placed her number on my Do Not Call Listings as well as removing my phone number from the Telephone Directory as well.

@Triphid I hope that works. The do not call list here didn't work....after I signed up for it, we got more unwanted calls than ever.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Thankfully ours work.
As to my Crisis Counselling number, that won't be affected since it is an entirely separate Toll Free number even though it uses the same connection line.

@Triphid That's good then. That'll help enormously.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Even better news arrived about 30 minutes ago.
Our little group of Helpers has now got 2 new Volunteer well qualified Counsellors starting as from tomorrow.

@Triphid Glad to hear the news is better for some of your time.

@Lilac-JadeCanada really great news actually, now instead of doing 24/7, 13 days per fortnight I can actually start organising a Roster system since we now number 4 volunteer Counsellors, each with dedicated Toll Free phone lines besides their own home phone lines, 1 Assistant Records Keeper and a huge secure Storage Facility, free of charge, where we can safely store cases notes from older, closed cases.
Plus, just opened the 'snail mail' to find that ALL Fuel and vehicle maintenance costs for the service are now covered by Government Funding.

@Triphid Marvelous!


Mmmm controlling behaviour, we are starting to see breadcrumbs of where the issues with the neighbour began.
Hope he’s ok. But glad you’re getting a break, apart from the call!
Someone put a relevant quote in the quotes group by Phillip Larkin recently πŸ˜‰

Thank you, I was just getting over having calls from my very unhinged ( unhinged by drugs NOT of the Medically Prescribed kind btw) Niece, Emma, which were happening at ALL hours day and night, stop completely and now "Mummy Evangelidiot'" gets in on the act.
$5.00's a month to keep watch over HER son paid to him to give to me, who's leg is she trying to pull?
Imo, it'd take a FULL Psychiatric Hospital with a complete force of Security Guards to manage her son.

@Triphid How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just one, but the bulb has got to want to change πŸ˜‰
Glad your niece is getting better 😊

@girlwithsmiles No, sadly I doubt, most sincerely, that she is.
I just informed her, the last time she tried ringing that In was NO longer interested in hearing her "Mindless, Drug-soaked Drivel."

@Triphid oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully in a few years then.

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