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Censored vs. Uncensored - The Goodbye YouTube Party
From the video description: "Join James, Derrick, Ryan, Dan and Josh as they celebrate being kicked off the enemy's controlled information platform (well, everyone except James, that shill!). We look forward to pioneering the next phase of the development of the independent media and share our ideas about exciting new opportunities for sharing information outside of the grasp of the controlled Big Tech social media oligopoly."
Video: Goodbye YouTube Party!!!

LooksLikeWho 4 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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The election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is the biggest event of the year.

Followed by the development of COVID-19 vaccines.

Who cares about You Tube? Not me.


Having never seen any of these people before in my life, and with no context whatsoever, I'm taking a guess here:

A bunch of right-wing video bloggers who repeatedly post false information are bemoaning the fact that you can't lie your ass off at will anymore? "Independent media" is a code phrase for fake news (I mean fake in the sense that it's actually not real, not the Donald Trump sense where real news is called "fake news" )? Some losers are off to the land without fact-checking?

Tell me if I'm getting warm here, because I couldn't bring myself to sit through 25 minutes of this, especially with no captions. (In a word, they are grating.)

By the way, a private media enterprise can't censor anybody. They are allowed to set the terms of use, and if you violate them, you're out. That's all there is to it. Same as this site or any other. I do wish people would stop crying "censorship" when it's not accurate.

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