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Wishing a Cosmoterraprotective (to be) Happy Humanlight Day (today, 23 dec. and every day, until the end of cosmoterrian days)!
For a medicine in support of patients, not of speculant profits. Let us support benefic medicine! No to overtoxicity. See [], [], []. One-stone for -peace. []. Decoding/Re-interpreting one-stone (einstein). The moral law of relativity: E=mc to 2. Finite Life Energy ( E) is Love (coded m, from the French aime, amour) of shared(to 2) culture ( c). Cosmoterrians united, let us protect ourselves. All CosmoTerraFamilyShipGarden for protectivity.

tipi 7 Dec 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Sing Dong Berry Lee when high, to all the fellowshiply gibberish-a-nationalists two (say nothing of four six and eightly alongsidealy)
Deep Joy, deep joy.


Good morning, humanlight? I use LEDs. 🙂

So more over complication to an already overcrowded season.
Kwanzaa light?


And a happy Thursday to you!

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