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Omnipotent, omnipresent, all good,
alpha and omega, yet can’t create a
garden without a flaw ?

Charlynature 4 Dec 28

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It was a walled garden 'paradise', so why did he not just, plant the stupid tree outside the wall ? Problem solved.


To be like God, is to have knowledge of good AND evil. is there flaw inherent with evil?

Word Level 8 Dec 28, 2020

Why would an Omni-benevolent need
knowledge of evil ?
And Lucifer gets the blame for all the

@Charlynature I don't know about your omni-benevolent style of god. You reference biblical text but I think you must not know biblical text very well.

Here is a video explaining some things about the garden of Eden story. I like most things from the explination with only an exception or 2.

In video, the speaker makes his comment about the importance of the knowledge of good and evil. It give a decent explination but it could be explained further.

@Word please break it down for me.


I'd say, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. Isaiah 45:7" in response, but ya know.

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