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Is it only me or is the comment button not working? I only use Android phone and I can't make a comment, I can submit a post. If I get comments let me know if you're on a PC, Mac, iPhone or Android.

barjoe 9 Dec 30

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Yes there is a Glitch. I found a few days ago I could not make comments anymore. So I tried going to a different Browser on my computer. That worked. So there is a glitch somewhere


I am commenting now with my Android phone.

It happened a few times to me on my android phone. I'm 99.99% on my phone with app.


Linux works just fine 🙂

I use my phone for everything. I did my taxes on my phone. I print all my documents from my phone. I don't know from Linux lol.

@barjoe Every Android device has, at its' base, the Linux kernel :


@FearlessFly I'll take your word for it. The website has a glitch.


It takes me to a second box without 'submit button'
It does have margins and lines and has a 'preview comment button'. I hit that and it takes me to a new box and a publish comment button.
What a pain in neck! Why the change?

Me too

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