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So what are you doing for New Year's Eve /New Year's?

UrsiMajor 8 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I found a woman who likes sexting, and that's the closest I've come to real sex in decades. Then there's the Twilight Zone marathon.


That's where I'm staying


I have had an exciting evening somehow I snatched an appointment for the vaccine next Thursday at 1230.

I did a little dance of Glee then went back to my usual internet TV. I meant to watch the NYC ball drop live but somehow ended up not tuning in until 5 minutes after it had dropped.

Wishing all my agnostic friends a much better 2021 ❤️💜❤️


Just another Thursday! Watched a movie on Prime, a couple of episodes of Comics In Cars Getting Coffee. My only celebration will be my pork and sauerkraut today. I will celebrate the new year when Orange Hitler is no longer president and Biden and Harris are sworn in on January 20th. That will be something to celebrate.


Stayin' in and most likely a sleep at midnight PST. 🙂


Or there's Stefan....


No fireplace? Put The Yule Log on the big-screen, feel all warm & cozy!


I'm there!! The champagne will be chilled and the fireplace will be toasty. 🙂 For those of you venturing out - please be safe.....

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