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I live in a place where my wife and I think we are not free to express our true beliefs and opinions because of the unreasoning Protestant majority in our town and county. How do people deal with this?

JohnSwindells 2 Nov 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't give a damn what anyone thinks about me. As a candidate, I always mention that this country was founded on the principle of separation of state and church, and if someone doesn't like it then don't vote for me. Not bad that last time I ran (in 2016) I came in second with 22+% of the vote.


I was in a similar situation. While moving was difficult, once I did I was much happier. Find a place where you belong, where you are accepted and have support.


you need to move, or just not give a shit what people think. if you have to hide who you are, you are not living your life to its fullest

turf Level 5 Nov 28, 2017

If you're not comfortable where you live, you might consider moving somewhere that you'll be more comfortable. I've lived on both coasts and overseas, and I encourage you to try it.


Since religion is not a part of my life, I do not discuss it. One neighbor friend who is religious asked me what church I go to. I simply answered that I do not go to church. She is still my friend and neighbor, but she does not ask such questions anymore.


You are always "free" to express your views. And I believe that we have a duty to do it. As a lesbian atheist, I realized a long time ago that every time a minority chooses to hide, the more damage we do to ourselves, the other members of the minority and society itself. So, as an activist, I speak up, not only when the subject comes up. I start the conversation and I try to motivate others to do the same. If you don't enjoy living in the closet...Just. Step. Out. It doesn't matter if others don't like it. It's a known fact that even if they don't agree, having to see and hear it over and over again in their daily lives, makes it likely that at some point they will go from severe disdain to at least tolerance at some point in the future. Don't ever let someone's inability to reason make you feel less than free.

Very well said!


move north or east or west or better still to scandanavia


I'm afraid you can't reason with a closed mind. Respectfully agree to disagree. If someone is open to new ideas then you can have an honest discussion on the subject otherwise, you are alienating future opportunities.

You have an outlet here for expressing your thoughts and that's a plus. Hopefully, as this community grows it will inspire others to be creative. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Nov 28, 2017

It's hard. Think on the bright side that you two are fortunate to have already found each other! I live alone in a small country town where being non Christian is not tolerated. I am not allowed to say anything in public without being chastised or shunned. It's even to the point where it has affected my employment.


when I lived in a similar situation I just kept to myself and other wise fantasized I was playing an out take in a Body Snatcher movie remake


I will try to avoid the topic of religion like I might avoid politics in 'polite company' even if someone else brings it up. If they do I try to give diplomatic answers but when pressed I will be direct and let the chips fall where they may.

i sometimes went to their services like a tourist just to see what they were talking about

I hear you, but I think avoiding politics is avoiding life. We can agree to be governed by those who believe a supernatural being is controlling football games or we can promote reason and tolerance in our governance (not to mention getting facts straight whether or not anyone will listen.)

yeah so I will on fb or on here or among friends but generally not at a family get together or if I'm afraid of embarrassing my girl friends etc.

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