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This is fairly bizarre. Leader of the free world has shit taste in music whilst watching his country go to shit
(sorry it's from fb)

powder 8 Jan 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't care if he likes Dylan and Neil Young, he sucks anyway.


No surprise here. I would like to punch every one of these smug fucks, women included, right in the mouth.

@powder That too, as long as I didn't get caught...I would try to make sure I didn't actually harm anyone, just scare the shit out of each of them. That thought would give me a lot of satisfaction, to know I had terrified them without suffering any consequences for it. I know it would drive them mad if I got away with it. For a mere filthy peasant to get away with terrorizing them..


Laura Branagan passed away. I don't think she would have given her consent to her music being used by these fascist pigs.

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