A reasonably secure operating system.. If you like computer security .. and mucking about.. and have the hardware to run this as is eats ram and processor you may like this. Edward snowdens preferred O/S .. Qubes.
For offensive testing ..... or just being a dick lol
Blackarch is full BASH CMD ... No GUI's
[subgraph.com] nice little graphic to explain Subgraph archcitecture..
cool tool! A good way to click all those phishing links I get in e-mails sometimes!
You could yes ... you could secure your main os Qube's and only the browser cube can be damaged while you still log ... so only one small component would need a reinstall rather than a piece of malware running riot into the main system or kernel.
16GB?! Sounds like bloatware.
Hahahaha!!!! Awesome
Yes it has the Amazon section completely in it's own sandbox lmfao
Interesting! I know hardware pretty well but, I know just enough about software to jack up my system so, I'm a bit intimidated about trying a new OS.
It's a beautiful OS but to be honest it really needs at least 16 GB RAM better with 32! Bit much for my main net machine .. Other would handle it but that is more for media. Even that would be pushing at a quad core 2.4 on 16GB RAM overclocking at 3.6 You can dual boot stuff ! another option. Or running inside VMware .. would take some hardware though doing it that way and kinda defeats object of Qubes