2 6

Closer and closer and closer

whiskywoman 8 Jan 9

Enjoy being online again!

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LOVE them all! But the last 4 really are the cream of the crop!! LOL


Anyone who doesn't see the relationship between the American obsession with guns and the violence inherent to American culture is willfully blind.

I agree darling and im tired of ppl screaming about the right to bear arms (my son being one ) we have the right to a musket...not an ak47....and hand guns can cause problems too

to me when the constitution was written what did we have 10,000 if that and there were lots of open wild lands with wild animals and dangerous wild people one family alone needed guns

now we are ten mill(admittedly im not good with population numbers so no crap please) and crammed together like sardines hardly any room to roam and be unaccountable so we do have rights to protection but not to hurt others cause we are pissed....

im not explaining this as well as I should but the rules need to change ...we license cars and have to follow rules ...and yes I know criminals don't follow rules...and it won't happen overnight but there are things that can be done to make our kids safer in school or ppl in church

fuck what idiot thinks its ok for some one to walk around a wal mart with three guns over their shoulder and 5 more that if a person of color or the wrong religion accidentally bumps him with his cart he can be shot right there its silly and wrong

have you seen those old women go off??? if they had a gun they could move to the front of every line

@whiskywoman Absolutely beautiful, thank you.

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