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Has any one else noticed that all the (homeless) people that beg for money are all of the sudden smiling and waving at everybody. Did they coordinate this or what? I
Wonder if they are getting less or more money because of it. I know I've been giving them more. I also love honest signs. I ain't gonna lie I need some beer. My all time favorite. I know this is a very complicated and sad issue and it's a shame that this happens in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Have a great Friday everyone. 🍻

Jeremy77 5 Apr 13

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I think most homeless people are not that by choice. For most of them something has happened, sudden mental illness or a medical emergency, they couldn't pay the bills anymore and they could not get out of the poverty trap once they were in it.

Denker Level 7 June 28, 2018

I see a lot of negative comments about homeless here - and truly I get it. However, I always have an internal battle with whether I want to help them or not. I've done both, depends on my mood I suppose.

Recently I've joined a charity that helps to get homeless veterans off the street. These people come from all sorts of circumstances and might do a lot of what we frown upon while on the streets. This doesn't change the fact that they're human beings though. Theres too many of us fighting against one another and judging one another - of course religion is one of the biggest influencers here. I just rather help where I can, and in more of a direct manner when possible. Maybe itll help, maybe it wont. Whatever.

I definitely think you're making a difference. It's a wonderful thing you are doing. ?

Helping veterans is admirable.

I feel so bad for homless people, that truly are that, and most especially veterans. No veteran in this country or any other should be with out a home, i admire what you are doing definitely


Yes, there are some folks like you described above that roam about in the city I'm from, and it is sad indeed.


As a matter of fact I did notice something to that effect in Ohio. Not only that but cleaner. The wavy smiley ones anyway. Looked abit like Jehovas Wittnesses. Just saying.


There will always be those people who give and people who don't. You either will or you won't. I know some of my donations will be used for things I don't approve of. But I would rather give $10 apiece to 10 people and accept this than not give and hurt 1 who really needed it.


I haven't noticed the waving but in my corner of the world most say, "God bless you". It feels as if that is what they think I want to hear.

IHope Level 1 Apr 13, 2018

I just commented on a Google survey that the service was great but to refrain saying "God Bless" in the future as it means nothing to us atheists - and were a growing number. 🙂


I have been approached by homeless asking for money...both times I offered foodplus beverage at nearby restaurants (not McD's, downtown eateries)
Both times I was immediately told "fuck you" and they stomped off. Oh well.....


Not the homeless I saw in Las Vegas.


They probably have morning production meetings to maximize efficiency. Maybe even a Lean/Six Sigma program to cut expenses and maximize gains.
I stopped giving money to panhandlers when I was walking about of a store and apparently caught a few of them during shift change.
A silver BMW drove up, guy got out, went to the trunk and grabbed a sign. “Veteran, need help, hungry, blah blah blah.” He walked to the curb and sat down.
The present guy sitting on the curb, put his sign in the trunk, walked around the car, took his hat off and got in the passenger seat and he and the driver drove off chuckling.
I laughed hysterically and went on with my day.
True story.

I just can’t trust any facet of humanity enough to share anymore. This even may be naive but a few have ruined it for the real homeless. Maybe it’s not even a few. The majority could be operating such a scheme. Who knows. I know I need my own money though. And since there isn’t anybody judging my actions, I’ll keep it and spend it on my kids.


I usually as kif there like some food and hotbeverage and I get them.
For thier pets I get something for the pets to eat and drink too

Rosh Level 7 Apr 13, 2018

I have both been homeless living in my car, and been an advocate for and worked helping the homeless.

There might be some legitamate person panhandling, but the vast majority are fueling drug habits. WORSE, the homeless network, helping each other (a good thing right?)
Except this takes odd forms, like sending out the little old lady to panhandle FOR the hard line meth heads, who in turn provide her with physical protection and food.
This is common, as they figure out that broken people draw more money, so do kids, and vets, and people with dogs.

Drug abuse among the homeless is rampant, meth and herion and all the prescription opiates, so when you give them cash, you are most likely feeding someones addiction.
Give them food, blankets, or volunteer.
You are not helping people by feeding their addictions, and you cannot tell WHO is actually getting those funds your handing out, or what ends they will go to.

thanks. I always feel like a hardass when I don't give cash. I have had people refuse food - cash only please and work because they told me they could make about $600 a day if they just stayed there.

In some states it's illegal to give them food and blankets.

@Lani Yep, and in some places it is illegal to give them cash, and in others shelter require religious aquienscence, either pay tribute to Jesus or stay outdoors.

If it is ilegal where you live you can donate time or money to organizations which are giving them aid.

Lots of negativity on here. Some situations are dire, including people who are addicted to drugs. Would you hire someone in your business with narcotics convictions? Prior theft convictions? How jaded would you become if you had no recourse but to panhandle? Is panhandling better than stealing?

We all judge people by our first impressions, and it's ultimately your individual choice to either give, help, ignore or attack.

If all they're going to do is use my on drugs or alcohol, that's O.K. to me, because that's pretty much what I was going to use it on too... 😉

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