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So in his final remarks to his mob, telling them to go to the Capitol, drump stated he would "be with them"
But Where exactly was he? Certainly not there!

AnneWimsey 9 Jan 11

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9 days to go and obsessed BidenSbots follow gangster Pelosi lead to blame TrumpOLINI for her and BidenS speeches WRITTEN IN ADVANCE JANUARY 5TH ....BidenS ad libbed: " I used to write speeches like this " returning to live radio script 3pm January 6th


geebush geehobah ghostholes quoted in bibles: I am with you always ... true believers for racist rapist BidenS seem the same to me Atheists need to stick 2gether WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US @HowieHawkins USMC lifelong Atheist Green EcoSocialist


Trump and his sons would never, ever, put themselves in harms way for anything. That’s what poor people and minions are for. Only real men lead from the front.


He was at a watch party with the rest of his vermin family and loyalists.



Sitting in front of the TV with a bag of Doritos.

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