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If there were an afterlife/heaven, where you will spend all of eternity (ugh..) living in Paradise (yay!), what whould your "heaven" look like?

Loud_Love 5 Apr 13

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Iā€™d always said I was going to have a castle near a large waterfall, with every cat known, from big cats to little cats.


In eleuthre , bahamas with a 40 year old nymphomaniac , a continual supply of weed and beer and my album collection ~

my wife of course


This is one of my biggest questions when it comes to the religious aspect of christiananity. Do I want to go to heaven? What is heaven? What will I do there? Some of the things I read from the bible are scary as hell!!!! If I am to spend an eternity (however long that is) in paradise, will I know that I am in papradise? Will I just be spirit who floats around and sings praises to a god all the time? Will I remember my life on earth? To be given a reward such as eternal life,, to me means that I have to have done something good to receive an award, but what good is a reward if you don't have knowledge of why you recedived it?

Mmmkay, so I'm gonna put you down for playing chess and jamming with Janis Joplin..


My idea of heaven is to make the most of this life while I can....

You get eternity fishing on a calm, serene lake w Albert Einstein..

Well that's the thing and you nailed it just perfect... I do NOT like fishing !!!!!!! (Sorry, I've just had to mess with you a little bit, it's all good, ok?)


BTW great song šŸ˜‰

Talking Heads playing Heaven

I get bored quickly, so I would opt to be sent back to earth.

Earth is boring..


On the basis that every heaven eventually becomes its own hell, I would need to be a modified human to live in such a situation for any great length of time. I think something would have to be done about hedonic tone, and perhaps how memory works.

I really don't have any fantasies about this topic because my mortality is actually a comfort to me. Particularly in view of the aging process and the seemingly endless drama supplied by family, I really need there to be some kind of tangible end-point. I can put up with almost anything for another 10 to 30 years, but there has to be a clearing at the end of the path.

"On the basis that every heaven eventually becomes its own hell".

What basis is that? How is that proven? This is a fun, for shits n'giggles kinda question. Like smoking weed for eternity w/ Kurt Cobain. This isn't a serious philosophical question..

@Loud_Love OK well then you can free-form it. I was treating it as a serious question.

I could be wrong about every heaven eventually becoming its own hell, but I think that people really don't understand how long eternity actually is, and they have no clue what "heaven" actually is.

@mordant - Dude, do you wanna talk shop with Einstien, Steinbeck, Cobain, Hendrix? Do you wanna run through flowers all day? It's just a question for fun. Use your imagination!

@mordant - and yes, I think all of us on this site know what the standard accepted idea of "Heaven" is, and yes, we understand what "eternity" means. Please don't talk down to us.

@Loud_Love I'm not talking down to anyone likely to be here, and certainly to no one in particular. I'm talking about society generally. Eternity is forever. After a few hundred years of that, will anything you encounter be brand-spanking-new to you, or exciting? I don't think humans are really equipped for eternal life. Hedonic tone guarantees that after you've experienced the major categories of novel stuff, it will eventually become impossible to wring novelty out of anything. If you're resistant to this idea, that's fine, and your right. But it doesn't make the problem imagined, or make it go away, either.

As to people "knowing" what heaven "is" ... no one knows what it is. People imagine what they would wish that it is. Conveniently, it's always highly pleasurable and idealized, not because it "is" that -- but because people want it to be that.

For all we know, it's SSDD (Same Shit, Different Dimension). What basis is there to describe heaven that's distinguishable from what you're exercising with this thread: your imagination and wishful thinking?

Anyway, sorry I misunderstood that you were asking a serious question. If this question is purely to have speculative fun, I am not here to rain on anyone's parade. Do carry on.

@mordant - Lol, man - This was just fun. Athiests pretending what their heaven would be like. It can actually tell you a lot about a person - their answers. No harm, no foul. This was NOT a serious question, lol..

@Loud_Love Well to play the game as you intended, my best shot at heaven would be (1) the ability to return to the hopes, dreams and aspirations I had as a young man and actually live them out as my chosen experience and (2) to be able to stop having new experiences any time I want, should that become an issue. As to what (1) was -- it was basically to marry into a conflict-free, life-long vital relationship that makes all the other BS in life worthwhile for both parties. Now here in the Real World(tm) that's asking too much, but if I get to construct my imaginary world that would be it.


Mine would be like Earth. It would have serious issues with which to challenge my mind. It would need to have some kind of adversity with which to challenge my resourcefulness. It would have to have people I disliked so I could continue to learn acceptance and non-judgement. It would have to have problems to solve to challenge my intellect. It would also have provisions to ecperience a full spectrum of emotional experience...all the way from sublime joy to abject horror because if it was all about peace and happiness it would be like coloring with only a few crayons from the large size box. A paradise would soon turn ones mind to mush and would in fairly short order become a hell.

So, your imaginary heaven is Earth?

@Loud_Love Yeah, pretty much, Earth is like a giant Disneyland for me, I mean, there are virtually unlimited opportunities for having an almost infinite number of experiences and adventures. Bear in mind that it's been said that "an adventure is only inconvenience rightly considered and an inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.". There is also an unlimited number of "challenging" personalities to use to learn things like acceptance. I contend that there can't be joy without sorrow of love without hate because those terms essentially devine each other.

I think Aldous Huxley made a brilliant statement when he said, "Habit converts luxurious enjoyments into dull and daily necessities." Continued exposure to the extraordinary, by definition, would cause it to become the ordinary. To wish for some eternally "extraordinary" heaven scenario is pretty much impossible because of this. Unless maybe there was a way to move through an infinite number of different extraordinary circumstances. I'd buy that.

On the other hand, my life is generally pretty mundane but I absolutely love living it. So, yes, for a heaven to be a continuation of what my life feels like right now would be awesome. I just turn off the TV and quit listening to all the knuckleheads that want to control our lives through fear mongering. And I try to lead my life in a way that is respectful to the planet (though I know I could be better). I enjoy learning the lessons life provides.


It would be at least one thing I find wonderful every single "day". I would imagine that if there was a heaven, then there would also be the concept of time, because without our concept of time then there would be no movement. Maybe that all gets turned on it's head if there really was a heaven though. shrugs shoulders

Dude, you're overthinking this.. YOUR heaven.. What would be there?


Give me a highland hunting cottage with grass roof & 6ft thick stone walls on The Isle of Skye.


A big party with lots of cool people with interesting ideas and experiences. Maybe a campfire, and tents, good food and drink, music, jam sessions, my friends and some of my family. Ah...lovely, my heaven!

Thanks for the invite @kenriley I'll find my heaven again, it's just getting everyone in one place at one time that I'm not sure about. The only good reason I've found for getting married, that would be one cool party.

yep that's more like it !


Not a believer.

You don't have to be, neither am I, it's just a fun mental exercise..

@Loud_Love paradise will include god, jesus and the usual suspects... enough for me to end the mental exercise. But go ahead, knock yourself out.

@GipsyOfNewSpain - my idea of a hypothetical "heaven" won't include any of the above. C'mon, man, have some fun!

@Loud_Love I will have it right here in this plane. Watching my first born daughter sing on church, play bass on a blues on stage. ,See my second born daughter play some rock and metal on a club. Watch my son perform salsa dance on stage in Vegas. All attainable right now. When I die, their will explore all my writing, music and lyrics and do as they please if they want to. If I want to dream and trip about it.... Present a dance number with me and my son performing on stage. Lyrics done, music laid out but I need to spiff it more and sing it.... the hardest part. Need to get in shape. 2019 I will Ready... but if I complete that... all I will have left to do is to die. I will live on my children after gone. No dream of paradise somehow. I am here, were I need to be.

@GipsyOfNewSpain - All of those things are awesome and admirable, but for the purposes of this question, I think you may be taking it too seriously. Yes, we all don't believe in "God", yes, we all believe in the scientific method and what it can produce, yes, we all believe that "here and now" is all there is.. I'm just asking you to play. Stretch your imagination. Make it as ridiculous as you can!

@Loud_Love sorry. Too old to play. I already accomplished many of your heavens.... but go ahead and play children... dream on ... I will continue fixed on the Here and Now. I answered your question 40 years ago. You should had been there. But Dont get me wrong. I had been there were you are now.


I think it would be somethign like the Holodeck from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Endliess possibilities of learnign and adventure.


Right now, this very second, because that is all there is! Are you a troll?

No, I am not a Troll. This is a mental/imaginative exercise, for fun. If you don't wanna play, don't.

and you are not a dreamer


Very overcrowded

Because you think there would be more people "hypothetically" going to Heaven than Hell? Or Limbo? Or whatever?

even at 50-50, there would already be 25 billion.


A world in which there is always a new mystery to be solved, a new challenge to be faced, an obstacle to be overcome, a new world to be explored. In short, a world of endless problems and unknowns. This might seem like it would be bad, but imagine playing a video game in which there were no quests, or enemies, or things to do. It's the stuff we do that makes life interesting.


Women, weed, music, and donuts. Kinda like now. Wow , l am in heaven and didn't even realize It! Thanks


I think the movie "What Dreams May Come" has a pretty good depiction. Kind of a mix of religions In a way.

Your afterlife is whatever you want it to be. Whatever your imagination can conjure up. A favorite place, a picture, a painting, a post card. Whatever you see as paradise. You're world also has everything you want, and everyone you'd want to be there is there. If/when you get bored, you can choose to go back to earth and be reborn as a new human. Also, you yourself can be any incarnation of yourself thay you want from any life you've lived.

It seems to cover all the based of how I'd want to spend eternity haha

KDzo Level 4 Apr 13, 2018

I don't entertain these kinds of thoughts. I don't believe in an afterlife, so to me, this would be pointless.

I'll bet you're fun at parties..


The Playboy Mansion

I assume before AIDS?

@AnneWimsey People use condoms now. Have for decades..

@Loud_Love yes indeedy...mouth condoms? My BIL died from it, I remain aware.

@AnneWimsey - Ewwww.. "mouth condoms"..

@AnneWimsey - Seriously?? before AIDS?? Are you living in 1984?? Aids is a problem, yes, however in the last 20 years since you watched TV, there have been countless educational programs on TV and in school, safe sex, and countless community programs to combat the spread (safe injection sites, safe pipes, safe needles, CONDOMS)

@Loud_Love well, check your CDC stats, people...the fastest-growing HIV-positive group in the country, for 10 years running, is women my age...over 62, so I do think I know a bit about it, since I try to spread the word. And yes to be truly safe you need to use a mouth dam...transmissable bodily fluids are not just below the waist. With you all's level of "awareness" i sincerely wish you a lot of luck!

@Loud_Love, @ADistantShore moral condemnation your ass! You are in danger because of your obvious ignorance and here I am wasting my time trying to help you. For example, you have never heard of a mouth dam or mouth condom, and yet approx. 1/3 of cases are spread Orally...fluids are fluids, wherever they seep from! Does your defensive sarcasm result from the Fact that you know you are woefully ignorant? When my BIL died he weighed 63 lbs at 6'2".......

@ADistantShore no such thing as too many hugs!

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