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HOW does anyone have the ability to sleep on a friggin marble floor??????? I would be unable to all......I can't even

Can we get like yoga mats at least?

Larimar 8 Jan 13

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While aboard a US Navy destroyer, I occasionally slept on a steel deck and on 100-pound sacks of potatoes.

Once, while we were firing the 5-inch main batteries, the fuse setter screwed up and the shell exploded an estimated fifty feet away. It woke up the deck sleepers and we suddenly didn’t care how hot the sleeping compartments were.

as a kid, my room was added onto the garage, right next to my dad's pressure tank for his pneumatic tools. I can sleep through most things. My college room mate tripped over a metal trashcan once, I didn't move or flinch.


I'm reminded of . . .

"If the military wanted its' soldiers to have opinions it would ISSUE opinions to its' soldiers" 😮 😛 🙂

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