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I am selling my house which I have been living in for almost 30 years and it is ever so stressful.

Jolanta 9 Jan 14

Enjoy being online again!

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You moving elsewhere in town or moving on to your next adventure? Would love to chat over a coffee since we're in the same neighbourhood. I'm interested in the work you're doing.

Hi, I am downsizing. This place is too big for me. Where do you live in Canberra? I am in Woden. Love to meet up for coffee and cake.

@Jolanta Just around the corner - Belconnen! 🙂

@GarryHannam Oh, you are at the dark side of Canberra.

@Jolanta Look at a map - we are the higher side. Therefore we are the light. Wow - that almost sounds religious!


Yes selling and buying can be very stressful for some people as a real estate agent ,have seen a lot and then for other people they took longer buying there morning coffee then they did in purchasing their next home


Not fun, but new adventures await


That's sad. 😟


Hope everything goes smoothly, and best wishes on your next chapter.

Thank you.


Thirty six years in my house -- not selling yet. 🙂


I hope it sells fast for you, now take a deep breath and as you exhale chant kilowatt hour. Ohm was so 20th.


Oh, I hope it goes as well as possible. Hope there are a few breaks and chances to have a relaxing cuppa to make it all more managable.


So sorry sweety

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 14, 2021

Thank you.

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