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Just wondering what are other online sites or groups you've found that you also enjoy for sharing and/or community. Does not need to be religion/anti-religion orientated, but can be.
Podcasts you like? (For onstance, someone here told me about Heather Cox Richardson, historian, professor.) Thx

Wisterious 7 Jan 17

Enjoy being online again!

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She is just another fake news never once condemning illegal USA wars DOES NOT EQUAL DEATH


I've been spending the bulk of my online time posting to a political discussion forum on FB. It was started by a lawyer and is by invitation only. They're a good group of ppl and seem to also be mostly atheist too.


@Wisterious A good friend of mine was already a member and he sponsored my admission. Once again, proof it's all about who you know.


I am on no other sites. 😔

Same here. Where would I even find the time for that? .

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