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WARNING Graphic Content

I was visiting my Mom last night at her retirement home. It's a church based facility, but not everyone who lives there is of the same faith, or potentially subscribes to any faith at all... not the point.
Outside their chapel, they have a lovely ornamental crucifix. While I've walked past it many time in the past few years, I noticed something last night... thought I should take a picture and share the shock and delight. I don't want to get too 'graphic' but does anyone else see what I see here?
I'm going to hell... oh wait... never mind. 😉

scurry 9 Apr 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Jesus seems very happy to be on the cross

Into S&M??

must be


Now you've spotted that example, you'll be amazed how many other depictions of the Crucifixion feature thinly-disguised (and sometimes, really not-disguised-at-all) penises!

Jnei Level 8 Apr 13, 2018

What the actual fack?!?
He was not only Crucified, but also Hung!!
like a freaking a Blue Whale!!

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