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Twitter is on fire with Bernie memes. Enjoy.

Poor Bernie, this is what America's lying millionaire looks like! No president after trying pathetically two times, no cabinet position, no photos, no reporter giving shit, no front page coverage, nowhere in the news.... what a pity!

St-Sinner 9 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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after the jury found the murderer a murderer...

am i the only one ? where are the jessie memes ?

p.s. i vote voted for jessie in the 84 & 88 primaries.


Bernie is a man of integrity, a true public servant. The nation could use a few more.

We just don't want him to run for president and 50 years in politics is enough at age 80. He should vacate the chair and let more young people like Ossoff come in. Vacate the chair now!

@St-Sinner He is intelligent, wise and cogent. No need to leave. I think it is shameful that some people think old people ought to just get out of the way.


A political office is not a career. There are 350 million people. Young people need that damn occupied chair for 30 years without doing anything remarkable. There are millions of more competent, intelligent, wise and better people who can do a much better job than him. He should get out now.

@St-Sinner The same could be said about the majority of people in Congress. No matter who you are or what you are doing there's always someone more competent and more intelligent... but they might not have the experience or even want the job at this point in their lives. We don't typically get the best of the best when it comes to politics. We get who's willing to do the job and can win the votes. That's how we ended up with trump for four years and McConnel for 35 years.

@St-Sinner who is this "we" you invented?


Millions like me and I. We defeated Bernie two times a row and will do it again if he dares to do it again. We'll make sure he is finished for good so he does not come knocking your doors asking for money again.

@AnneWimsey, @Charles1971

Are we talking about others? No, we are talking about Bernie.

Haters gonna hate. You hate Bernie so much you had to post about it and then post 13 replies. Geez. We all acknowledge your seething raging hatred of Bernie. We just don't share it. In my eyes he's done far more good than harm.

@St-Sinner Perhaps you should give up your job to someone who is younger and more competent.

I just did it 4 times in the last 20 years, I recruited all candidates in their '20s. I never occupied one seat for more than 4 years ever. I always moved up. I am saying this about Bernie because I am not selfish like him.

If you stop glorifying wrong people as role models and heroes, it will do this country a lot of good. Kissing wrong asses by voters like you produced lousy leaders like Bernie and Trump.

@St-Sinner No, moving up does not count, unless you also think it is ok for Bernie to move up. You need to step down. Get out of the way old man.

BTW, it took Biden three tries to make the presidency.

For the record, I agree that Bernie should no longer seek presidency. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with him continuing to do his job.


Moving and getting away from occupying the same damn seat counts big time. You cannot make own definitions of what's right. Bernie has not done anything noteworthy or remarkable in his 30 years in the Congress that makes him even remotely qualified to run for president. Bernie could move away to the DNC, to a think tank, to an advisory position and done many other things if he really cared to make a difference in people's lives. But he did not do it, he just wanted to be president in spite of:

  1. An outright liar he denied again and again that he was a socialist and communist although his admission is many videos, you can still find them on YouTube
  2. A terrible unqualifying demographics for the current times
  3. Bad oratory, he is a terrible orator, he gathers foam around lips while talking
  4. Lousy, unimpressive personality, he is hunchback, looks really old, cannot even comb his hair for an interview or town hall for a national audience in the middle of the presidential campaign as a candidate
  5. Talking about extreme, impractical and crazy ideas that shows how out of touch he was with the reality
  6. Just a fringe group candidate, he thought he could just be president riding on the anger of angry "Occupy Wall Streeters"?

He was just a agonizing nuisance to the Democrat voters who wasted time, weakened Democrats' cause, caused them lose seats in Congress due to his stupid socialist talk and communist background.

Bernie was never a good leader, an honest candidate and able man to become president by any measure. "Unqualified" was written all over him, on his actions and words. After watching Bernie, I have started liking Michael Dukakis and Paul Tsongas.

@St-Sinner "Bad orator"? You seem to forget that he was pretty good at motivating people. In fact, he could have been running in 2016, had it not been for the screw over by the democrats.

So, you think people of certain body types should not run for office? Add that to your disdain for older people in the workforce, and you are beginning to sound like you have some serious issues with prejudice. Are you of the opinion that people should be hired and promoted based on appearance or age? Kinda sounds like it.

Bernie is a wonderful example of an independent freethinker. The world needs more people who are wise enough to concern themselves with important things rather than how they look. Personally I like his wild and crazy hair. It seems to go well with his personality, especially during his impassioned rants.


In the love for Bernie, you seem to forget the hard realities on the ground. I wasn't born here, I studied history, law in this land and have closely watched presidential and Congressional politics for the last 35 years. I feel pretty good about what I have seen and learned. So let me tell you what my observations have been:

  1. America is a capitalist country and will remain so. Capitalism has helped build its prosperity over the last 100 years, not socialism. It is controlled by money, run by money and Bernie or his God cannot change it.

  2. It will take a revolution. The ingredients needed for a revolution do not exist. This is still one of the most successful, and happy countries of the world that is adored and dreamt by people around the world of which many are lined up at the US embassies and consulates hoping to come and live here. Someone as ineffective and unimpressive as Bernie to shout that we need a revolution is deeply stupid. That is why he should not be in any leadership position any more. His stupid attempts have caused more harm to the progressive causes that his supporters know.

  3. He is a bad orator. Bernie throws his hands in the air, gathers foam around his mouth while talking and is a ranter. Nothing more. Ranters with a mike always rile up an already frustrated crowd. That's what Trump did also. You have misunderstood ranting to far left extremists as good oratory. Bernie just capitalized on the anger of the far leftists and Occupy Wall Streeters which are a minor fringe group of voters. Bernie had enthusiastic and angry supporters but the size was and is still small. Bernie will never be accepted by mainstream Americans because constantly talking our country down and pointing to small countries in Europe as role models is the not the view of Americans.

  4. Do I think certain body types deserve to be presidents? The answer is a loud Yes. If you do not know this, you have not understood what American presidential race is about. American presidential race is a a personality contest. Policies, ideas, peasantries, communication, media are just decorations to a candidate. Money helps market a candidate but you can only put so much lipstick on a pig. A candidate must first be fit looking, a good personality and must look like a person that Americans must think can represent us on the world stage as the leader of the free world. America today is the most powerful country in the world. Americans did not think Bernie remotely fits the bill.

  5. Candidate demographics matter big time. These demographics will not be elected president in a normal cycle... Gay, Mormon, Atheist, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Communist, terrorist. An old looking, hunchback candidate who talks and looks like a crazy professor becoming president is unimaginable for most voters. You may like that personality in your life but the country thinks otherwise. They told you so two times in a row. There are only two times voters have broken the norm. Once for Obama and second for Kamala Harris. In both cases, there were perfect storms, there was high anger and urge to replace a very unpopular president. Voters of both parties joined hands and elected who would otherwise not be elected. Biden and Kamala Harris - both are unelectable otherwise. Trump handed over presidency to Biden on a silver platter with his suicidal mistakes one week after another. We all were watching it daily. IF Trump was not this bad in this last 6 to 8 months and Covid did not happen, Biden and Harris had no chance to beat him.

Therefore, don't construe a tempest a teapot of Bernie as popularity wave for Bernie. It was not. Doing anything big and useful is not in Bernie. He will continue to be a nuisance.

@St-Sinner Of course this is a capitalist society. No one is trying to change that. For someone who claims to have done a lot of studying, you seem to have some lack of understanding. Bernie is not a socialist or a communist. He is not trying to overthrow our capitalist society.

To suggest that people of certain body types should not run for office, is not much different than suggesting that certain races should not run for office, or perhaps even certain ethnicities should not run for office. BTW, Trump is nowhere near fit looking, nor is he physically attractive, and yet he was elected. And he is a crappy orator, shouting lies and inanities off script, reading like a fourth grader on script (the script that someone else obviously prepares).

I didn't read all your ramblings. I think I've seen it all before from you. You sound like a Trump supporter.


Bernie is not a socialist? Look at what he said. If you do not believe in what Bernie said in his own words, you need to see a counselor. What is wrong with you? Do you have a Bible problem where they say Jesus said in the Bible but he really didn't mean that?

I sound like a Trump supporter and you sound like a Castro supporter? Is that how far your intelligence can lead?

I bet you have not read and you are jumping to respond. Do you see what the problem is here and all along? Not reading, not knowing and not understanding!

@St-Sinner As I said, I am familiar with your previous rantings about Bernie. Your strong distaste for him sounds irrational at best.


My observations about Bernie are based on facts and how those proved to be true every time. You love for Bernie is a delusion. When Bernie is wrong, my observations will not change. But you will need to take a look at why you look up to lousy people are role models.

Before you want argue on facts with me, you will need to first read my comments before responding, secondly you have to know your subject matter well and third, you should know you don't know what you are talking about.


You said... "Of course this is a capitalist society. No one is trying to change that."

What are you smoking? Watch this... I have told you before you should know your subject well before arguing with anyone. You do not know enough. You are half informed and ill read about Bernie.


My goodness....someone is off their meds...

Keeps forgetting to take them...time for assisted living.


Bernie has spent decades fighting for the rights of people. Why the hatred toward him? He's kept fighting year after year and his message hasn't really changed. He's done far more good than scum like trump, McConnel, Cruz, Graham, Santorum, and the governor of my state, Perdue. I'd rather have more people like Bernie than pretty much any Republican. And Bernie would have made a damn better president than trump. And he's worth a whopping $2 million after 40 years in politics.

We are all fighting. 260 Democratic Senators and House members, hundreds of state legislators, thousands of county, local office holders, think tanks, PACS, political strategists and all individual supporters are fighting for progressive causes but not many run for President, continuously ask for people's money, run after something they are not qualified for, not able to achieve for 6 years in a row and become a nuisance for his own party and hinder chances of leaders of own party to win against President like Trump. But Bernie did it. He did not know his place. He sold you pipedreams, he sold you snake oil and you bought it.

Bernie is unique in being an unqualified and a failed candidate two times in a row who has been eliminated in primaries. There is no way America was, is going to or will elect a communist and socialist president. Both things he said on TV. Just search YouTube.

If Bernie really cared for his causes, he could have done many good concrete things in his long 50 years of his political career but he just wanted to be president. He has nothing to show for his 50 years in political offices... nothing to show for, not a single remarkable achievement. If you want, I will give examples of what Bernie could done to help people instead of insisting on wanting to be president after getting a heart attack, being hunchback and being a presidential candidate talking gathering foam around his face on TV.

I'm sure your list of political accomplishments are quite impressive. But Sanders didn't TAKE anyone's money unless you consider a donation to be TAKING. When he ran for president he did not take money from Wall Street or corporations and without the support of the DNC. He's been speaking out against income inequality and social injustice for longer than most of us been old enough to vote. If all he wanted to do was be president then he probably would have ran more than twice and probably not have waited so late in his career.

He was elected to the Vermont Senate eight times, participated in civil rights marches, he's a former professor of political science at Harvard, and he has indeed had many wins, just not with things that are flashy or make front page news. He's helped a lot of people.

And he's not a communist. Either you're listening to garbage news or you don't know what communism is. He's a democratic socialist which isn't a bad thing at all, but that's a different argument altogether.


Uuummmm, Senator Sanders, new Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, which isn't "nothing", you fool! And CNN, Fox, and MSNBC were talking about him today during the inauguration ceremonies, about his new powers, his leadership on the $2000 stimulus checks, his Covid outlook & plans, the new directions he can/will help chart, the influence he will be STFU, your feeble-minded wishing won't make him go away!
Stil/ever working to the betterment of us all, which has Always been his focus!

Being a chairman of a Senate committee after 30 years of just sitting your ass in that chair is called seniority... not an accomplishment.

@St-Sinner watch how he uses it!

@St-Sinner no remarks about how all news channels are happily speculating on where his leadership & ideas will be taking us? crickets? That's all ya got?


Trust me, Biden will throw him bones but Bernie is not going too far. It is not in him.


I am watching every day and that is why I know Bernie so well. I knew on day one in 2019 that he was going to fail at the presidential run with his rotten ideas, unfit demographics and I knew for sure he was really stupid for insisting on running after freaking discharging from the hospital after a heart attack. A candidate for US President after a heart attack when close to 80? If that does not tell you what being unfit is, you should not buy insurance from anyone.

@St-Sinner and yet, here he is is, showing no signs of a heart attack....because it Was Not, & Shame on you for parroting Faux , which even They walked that statement back!
My ex had a heart attack and spent several days in the hospital, at 56....(he Loved his vending machine sweets!)
They sent Bernie home in a few hours, after Checking for a heart attack...not quite the same thing as actually having one. You just make yourself sound foolish.......


Voters did not and do not think like you do. They do not want weak, sick presidents.

@St-Sinner ummmmmm, drump?


Lol. I'm a fan of Bernie, and I like the silly stereotypical grandpa memes. I loved the Pocahontas memes about Warren too. All in good fun. I wouldnt frame him so much as a failure since he has influenced the democratic party to adopt a much more progressive platform. He only recently crossed the millionaire threshold, and has been long known as one of the poorest members of congress for the vast majority of his career, as well one who pays among the highest taxes. His efforts are arguably over-ambitious, but I'm more than convinced that he cares about Americans who have been systematically shut out of access to socio-economic mobility (let alone the "American Dream" ), and has focused on bringing awareness to how much of our taxes are wasted that could be better spent on actually addressing the pitfalls of our socio-economic structures and taking care of our own in need. We fall behind the rest of the developed world in most of those areas. And I read your other comment about Progressives. It was a bit of a hyperbole. As a 2A supporting owner of firearms myself, neither I nor my peers want civilian gun ownership abolished. Just better vetting, education/training, background checks, and consistency with common-sense enforcement when people legally exercise their right to carry. There's too many disturbed people who obsess over guns as the central point of their identity. This country has a lot to improve upon. Yet somehow we keep trying the same things over and over, and our people are still suffering. Maybe something should change.

He is what he is and has been. Liking him does not change much. He is still a huge failure and a nuisance.


Perhaps, but he is in the minds of Progressive Liberals.

Yes and that's the only place he will stay at. No White House in this lifetime.

@St-Sinner I don't care if he is ever president, I just want his form of Democratic Socialism to be implemented for the benefit and well-being of the citizens of my country. You do you and I do me.


Biden is going to do a better and acceptable form of what people want, not Bernie's extreme free giveaway ideas of robbing Peter to pay Paul.

@St-Sinner as opposed to tax cuts for the wealthy?


Your role model for comparison is Trump?

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