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Of late, there have been any of posts on this site dealing with what is an agnostic, what is an atheist and so on with a lot of talk about differences which that author has deemed to be important.

Perhaps to some who has just left religion these types of discussion might be interesting, to anyone who has not followed religion for some period of time, this gets to be a bit boring, sort of like reading last weeks news. And it is missing the big picture of reality.

The big picture of reality is that the large religious groups have a monopoly on the discussion as to what is acceptable. In most of the world they decide and define what is acceptable, what is "right", what is "wrong" and what is "ethical and or moral".

Homo Sapiens in the big picture of the life of this planet of ours, have not been around a long time and as life in general, are experiencing an on going evolution in both body and mind. We are, at least I hope, not a finished product yet. So these discussions of what is acceptable, what is "right", what is "wrong" and what is "ethical and or moral" are of real importance, as they effect how we live our lives.

Another view often expressed on the site some, is this excitement over the perceived view that organized religion is fast declining and its disappearance is just around the corner. While I wish this were true, anyone honestly observing the world, knows this is not over all true.Yes there is some increase in non believers in some areas, but over all non-believers are still a minority. As a minority we have our rights limited, our opinions ignored and way too often our physical safety put in danger.

My view, and obviously you are free to disagree, is that the main goal of a such as ours should be to demand and establish beyond all constraints, our civil rights. Oh, of course there are laws in some nations supposedly protecting us. But just for example, anyone in the USA who seriously desires to hold a political office, in 98% of the electoral districts (local, state and national), they can not proclaim to be a non believer. This is discrimination and a violation of our civil and political rights.

In the great abortion debate, the religious side will keep bringing up their version of morality based on their version of "god". In our nation , a non believers take on morality not based on "god or religion" is given almost no hearing at all. True religious freedom allows the non believer equal opportunity to express their idea of morality.

This religious oppression goes beyond just non believers but also extends to the non major religions (wiccan, indigenous and folk religions).

The major religions are not going to disappear, no matter how much we hope they might. What we need to do is to demand a "seat at the table" and demand that our views be given the same level of consideration as those of the religious. The goal is not to drive off the other religions (which is a totally unrealistic hope), but to have the views of the non believer taken as equal to and as just as important as those of believers AT ALL TIMES AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES!

creative51 8 Jan 24

Enjoy being online again!

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It seems that to get a seat at the table, non-believers must present a united front. This quote is from a non-believer who once was a pastor. There are other non-theist groups that must be included in a non-theist mass movement.

Very meaningful to have all non-theist and indigenous groups participate. That could be a beautiful movement.
"An army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot." -- Thomas Paine

I thought that was the assumed goal but it never got organized. Atheist groups I've attended, in many towns, tend to be small as well. I'm unsure what to make of religion's continued existence and demand but there's no arguing it's there. Still powerful. The good news is that large segments are showing signs of doing what religion does; mold itself around the changes of society. Isn't that what Pope Francis is about? But it's a big ship so turns carefully.


Discussing atheism, agnosticism, humanism, etc in an objective respectful manner is a good thing providing it is objective and respectful. Unfortunately there are a few on this site determined to turn that into a negative biased attacks on others.

We are slowly making change, at least trending in the right direction. It is important that we actively support political activist groups fighting to protect secular govt and rights of non believers.

As a non- believer ( atheist), I don’t feel it is my duty to actively convert theists, however, it is important to provide help and support to any in the process of deconverting. To that end, the more we can offer a pleasant, accepting community to offset religions firm hold on social interaction, the quicker we will grow.

The way I see it, religion ( for the most part) is a bane on society. For that I am anti religion and religious leaders. ( recognizing that some of the leaders are ethical and genuinely care). Most theists are decent, kind and loving. I view them as victims of socially accepted lies and con jobs. Victim blaming just doesn’t seem productive to me.


Are the 'Others' women? Or is the meme 'gender imbalanced.'

@Creative51 Of course. I should have examined the post more carefully. One of our perennial problems is how to present content from the past where the originators had assorted serious issues by today's standards (i.e. Washington, Jefferson). SJW are quick to point out said flaws one-more-time to the detriment of the intended message.

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