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Why do men dominate this site!

Storm1752 8 Jan 24

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I never came on it for the dating aspect ,as it really does not present it self that way but to meet like mind people who hopefully will become friends over the conversations and post we make ,Distance is to great to meet anyone i have found of interests at the present but sure do enjoy all the conversations and points of views ,a lot of very smart intelligent people here


It is a dating site and so the men just naturally outnumber the women. Typically this ratio is about ten:๐Ÿ˜ฎne but I don't know what it is here. It feels lower than that.


I dominate whatever space I choose to inhabit, wherever...WTH are you talking about?
And i think you need a "?" at the end of your Question?


Define dominate. Maybe you're looking in male oriented categories or groups? Men may post more, but many of those posts are just one sentence posts. I don't bother with most of those. The posts I do read and interact with generally have gender neutral content and a pretty fair mix of male/female responses. I guess I gravitate toward the subjects that interest both genders equally. Maybe try that if you are seeking more of an equal mix of comments.


As an ardent feminist...I think you're not paying attention.


They don't the top 5 out of 7 super members are women

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 25, 2021



Interesting. Why do you say that?

In other words, why do you consider them super members?

@LiterateHiker The site lists them go to members and more then super members


Do you mean Top Contributors?

Please explain how to find Super Members. I can't find it.


Many many more men than women on this site.


Holy moly! I'm a Super Member.


Men looking for sex dominate all dating sites. Horn-dogs.

corn dogs are great!

It's true this was originally primarily a dating site right? Although it is not marketed as such I still find it kind of weird that profile settings are very much oriented to that. Do people think that helps? I wonder if the alt-Right version of this site (slug?) is similarly obsessed?

Meanwhile my experience of real life atheist / non religious meetups is they are mostly men and mostly older people (50+). I was at an atheist convention that helped spawn the whole A+ movement, that was an interesting time and as far as I know nothing has really changed.


Testosterone. Lol


women don't have the time to waste.

Doesnโ€™t everyone have time to waste these days? ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Apunzelle everyone has some i suppose...maybe its just a waste here kind of thing.

Perhaps we prefer to spend our time on topics which matter?

@LucyLoohoo probably stuff thats a complete mystery to me.

@hankster Humpf....don't denigrate yourself.

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