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Location of "Moon trees" shown here. If I knew about this in 1971, I had definitely forgotten. A bunch of tree seeds circled the Moon on Apollo 14, and upon returning they were planted. Some are still surviving. See if one is near you.


Beowulfsfriend 9 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Cool! I once knew of this, but completely forgot about it...thank you for posting!


So much knowledge has come from NASA which was instituted by President Eisenhower. I hope more awareness comes to our citizenry of its profound affect on our lives.


I've never heard of moon trees but there are two in my state (Georgia). One is in south Georgia near the Okeefenokee Swamp, which I visited when I was a child some 40 years ago. The other moon tree is in Athens, Georgia which is where the University of Georgia is located.

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