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Because knowledge is power... I think...

Woman 'cut off cheating boyfriend's genitals' as he slept and 'flushed it down toilet'


Dyl1983 8 Apr 5

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That lady is sick.

Tejas Level 8 Apr 5, 2021

That man was foolish.

@yvilletom care to elaborate?

@Tejas You elaborate first.

@yvilletom Genital mutilation is a sick thing to do.

@Tejas Cheating on a girlfriend and then going to sleep while she’s awake is foolish.

My girlfriend and I, before we married, agreed that if one of us sleeps around the other has a right to do the same. We swung, aka swapped with two other married couples.

@yvilletom The article never confirmed or denied he cheated. Maybe she just thought he did. The article did suggest she drugged his food to make him pass out.


She didn't want to make the mistake that Lorena Bobbitt made.


Well, duuuhhhh, if they could find them they might be able to reattach it right & you don't have to do it again!

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