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We copped a "Dry Thunder and Lightning" storm around 9.30pm last evening here.
With in about 5-10 minutes there were sirens wailing around the area and I wondered was causing them.
So, I rang a friend who works in the local Fire Brigade this morning and was told that the local Salt-bush Chapel, an Evangelist Hang-out, had been hit by lightning and went up in flames.
Thankfully, it was empty at the time BUT the fire took hold very quickly indeed and the entire building now has a notice on it that states that it is " Unsafe, Condemned and Must BE torn Down Completely."
When I asked him if any of the other building around it were damaged in any way he replied with, " No, Mate, not one of them even a scratch or a smoke stain on it at all, just the Chapel but their life-size statue of J.C. with it 'glow in the dark' red eyes and the 12 inch long replica penis is still standing firm and solid."
Now I WILL admit that I painted the eyes of the statue in glowing the dark bright red BUT I DID NOT glue a replica 12 inch long penis to it unfortunately.

Triphid 9 Apr 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Lightning & dry storms starts many of our fires.

Too bad there's no photo.

Hey, it IS about a 3 mile round trip walk for me so apologies for no photos.

@Triphid No apology needed. It would just be fun to see it.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Me too, I'm hope that the road repairs on the route the Bus takes usually tomorrow aren't finished because that street where the Salt-Bush Chapel is will be detour route.

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