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Is anyone scared to use the word feminist? Has the internet made it a dirty word? If you're a feminist because you want change in gender equality for everyone, it seems like you have to use another word. Then of course, there is a whole generation hearing of feminazis imaging angry man haters. Then the whole issue with mocking PTSD therapy terms like Triggered and Safe Spaces. People in therapy with sexual trauma specialist were given these terms to acknowledge pain, now there's a public onslaught to humilate those with trauma.

Anyway. It still means what I think it should and those who get upset or try to hurt me for calling myself a feminist helps weed out the assholes. Anyway, obligatory #alsomen

Virgoan 5 Apr 16

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It kinda feels like a long term project of the standard conservative gas-lighting of liberals to me.

It is not feminism that they rip on, but the flaws and gaffes of a few prominent firebrand feminists.


<---Proud feminist.


  1. advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men. advocate of such rights.


Screw that, I’m proud to wear the feminist label. The misappropriation of the term is nothing but a propaganda campaign utilized to change the narrative -think social justice warrior. How do you argue that someone who fights for equal protection and treatment for minorities and people of color is an awful human being? You divorce the label from its meaning, and redefine it in less flattering terms. It’s how you transform a superlative to a pejorative.


I was just thinking about this the other day. it pisses me off Too! I hate any kind of label, and they are all damaging. the human animals tendency is to highlight the most radical, extreme, unreasonable and hateful feminists, which always represent a tiny minority, and use them as the spokespeople for the entire movement. This is a psychological warfare tactic aimed to undermine the entire movement.. It happens with all labels.

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