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Whatever Your Opinion of Jesse Ventura, He's a Proud Atheist, Former Navy Seal and IMHO A Good Guy.

In the early 90s, I was mayor of Brooklyn Park, which is right next to Brooklyn Center where Duante Wright was fatally shot by a police officer. These tragedies are not just happening in Minnesota, they're happening everywhere, and it's undeniable: there is a double standard in law enforcement between white people and people of color. Guns get drawn right away if you're black. But white people invading the Capitol, that's another story. If they were Black Lives Matter, you would've seen a slaughter way before they reached the steps. No one would've made it in the building.
Jesse Ventura

barjoe 9 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Back in 2015, he said he'd be Trump's VP running mate, if Trump asked. Since then, I've seen Ventura as just another political opportunist.


I grew up watching Jesse Ventura on All Star Wrestling. His character, just him in real life was over the top. I remember an interview with Jesse several years after he left political life. He was living on Baja Mexico was a self described Libertarian. I always enjoyed Jesse. A very colorful prtson.

Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Former Governor of Minnesota. He works for RT. That's disturbing.



@t1nick RT Russia Today, a state own propaganda TV news network. Did hard for Trump. They seek to give Jesse editorial carte blanche.


That’s for certain! The cops used more force clearing a path for Trump’s ridiculous Bible photo op then they used to keep the MAGA crowd from breaching the outer walls of Congress.

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