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Derek Chauvin guilty in death of George Floyd

Apunzelle 7 Apr 20

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Finally, the country is starting to turn toward justice. Now, hopefully, tRump will be next.

This is a baby step. Not a finally. Long way to go till finality


I have to admit, I'm pleasantly surprised. I was hoping for at best guilty of manslaughter and hung on any kind of murder. Apparently it's hard to say a murder isn't murder even by a cop when you are forced to look at it occur.

In my opinion, No-one has the right to take the life of another person, NOT even a Cop.


ALL lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be, imo.

Who said they didn't? All Lives Matter is just a pathetic racist way of saying that black lives matter less because they are obviously treated as such and you're just fine with the status quo.

@redbai Oh FFS, get over yourself PLEASE.

@Triphid So your a racist who wants to be able to use racist rhetoric and not be called on it. Tough shit racist.

@redbai And, may one ask exactly HOW you came to that totally incorrect conclusion.

@Triphid Your use of racist rhetoric.

@redbai And YOU read RACISM into that?
What planet or remote Galaxy did you come from IF I may ask?

@Triphid Surprise! The racist denies his racism with hyperbolic BS.

@redbai Okay then would YOU say that a person within whose genes and familial heritage has the following 'races' ( btw I detest and hate that term/word fyi),
Cherokee Indian,
Navajo Indian,
Australian Aboriginal,
Sri Lankan, not Tamar btw,
Spanish, French,
Scandinavian, including Nordic and Swedish,
Irish, and,
Pict Scot plus a few more besides can be TRULY Racist?

@Triphid Why the fuck should I chase you into some rabbit hole to distract from the point? Any answer provided doesn't demonstrate your statement wasn't racist in the least.

@redbai MY STATEMENT was "ALL lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be, imo, " SO, where PRECISELY is the Racism in that Statement?
PLEASE enlighten me and everyone else besides.

@Triphid []

@redbai Sorry BUT, imo, you are being led around by your nose and using MEDIA Garbage to form , imo, a FALSE idea/ideology in reference to what others like myself are NOT saying nor meaning.
Imo, and using a somewhat simpler turn of phrase, You may well suffering from " Foot in Mouth Disease," i.e. someone else's FOOT is stuck FIRMLY into YOUR Mouth , NOT your foot that is.

@Triphid So I can't have an informed opinion, it has to be me being led around by the media?
Another racist trope. There's no real racism, black people are just so simply they are led around like sheep to believe they are being oppressed when it's not actually happening. You appear to be full of racist tropes. First "All Lives Matter" and now black movements for equal justice demonstrate that they must be "led by the media" as they aren't apparently bright enough to have their own opinion.

I didn't expect different and you didn't disappoint. I'm sure you have other racist tropes to keep your delusions safe, so go ahead, shit them out of your mouth like a good asshole does.

@redbai FFS, Rave on Avon.
I make absolutely NO DISTINCT when it comes to skin tone/colour since I treat everyone as being a member of the exact same species, i.e. the Species of Homo Sapiens, the HUMAN Race in other words.
In my most honest and humble opinion here, you my good Sir are NOT carrying a few 'chips around upon your shoulders BUT an ENTIRE Lumber Mill and have decided to vent your Spleen upon the first person you can find, that person being me.
FYI, Whether Black ( in actual FACT NOT BLACK but a very deep and dark shade of BROWN btw), Yellow, White or Brindle we ALL DIE if killed, we ALL bleed RED Blood, we ALL rot away as decay takes its toll, a person with a DARK skin tone turns a greyish colour 6-14 hours AFTER death, a person with pale, white, yellow or olive skin ALSO turns a greyish shade after death as well.
WE are ALL formed from a sperm cell entering an ovum by either Sexual Intercourse or other NON physical contact means, i.e Artificial Insemination methods,. SO WHERE exactly is the Difference?

@Triphid Really? So are white women driven by media when they complain about sexism? Are white men driven by the media when they complain about the changing demographics of the nation? Are men and women treated differently? Are the demographics of the country changing the political dynamics? Do they have informed opinions or are they just media driven drones who wouldn't know what to think if the media didn't give them ideas?

Here's a clue asshole, you believing that you don't treat people differently based on skin tone and that being the perception of others are two different things. I know a lot of bigots who have told me the same thing and you haven't differentiated yourself from them at all.

Your "honest and humble opinion" apparently allows you to cast negative metaphors instead of actually addressing what I say or the contents of the article that demonstrates your statement was racist. You apparently throw the phrase "honest and humble opinion" out to mischaracterize a statement you are about to make hoping no one notices.

Your pathetic rant pretends to address everything and ignores how the cultural, educational, financial and governmental systems treat those with different shades of skin tone regardless of the sperm used to bring them into life, the color of their skin at death or how you personally treat people.

@redbai Have you EVER considered /thought of getting some Psychological Therapy for that "Lumber Mill' problem of yours?

@Triphid Because a racist on an internet forum like you couldn't figure out how to address their racism? Nope. Why should I? You're the one in denial and unable to address the subject. You've done nothing except make claims that I am crazy because you cannot address the arguments that point out your racist personality. That's called "projection". Look it up.

@redbai Okay, okay, okay, and correct me if I'm wrong here.
But I seem to be getting the impression that you may just have this driving urge/desire to play the Race Vilification card and I've ben selected by you to be the Prime Target.
But BEFORE you continue, MAY I say quite clearly and succinctly that I have suffered exactly that vilification ever since I can remember and ALL due to my INHERITED Multi-Ethnicities since I was about 5 years old and first attended school.
So, HAVE at IT, give it your VERY best shot because I have BEEN there, suffered it and still do from time to time.

@Triphid I gave that about 10 seconds of thought and realized that it was exactly what it obviously appeared to be. More condescending BS pretending that you're special in your bigotry.

@redbai May I most humbly suggest that you 'Kiss my Arse first then get yourself a LIFE after that."

@Triphid You still haven't explained why the article that you asked for when you said "[W]here PRECISELY is the Racism in that Statement?"

I answered you with an article that explained it in detail, with an example and you've had nothing but insults ever since. As if you had some epiphany that you actually couldn't address why your comment wasn't racist when it was explained by an articulate white woman that it was racist. As if you hadn't even considered the things she expressed because of your myopic racist POV. Now you're reduced to 5th grade insults like "Kiss my arse" instead of actually articulating an intelligent response.

@redbai Speak unto me Oh, Great and Wise Epitome of Racism and Ethnic Vilification for I ever so yearn to hear the most insightful words of the Great Coconut of Coconuts, the Bounty of all Bounties expound his wisdom.

@Triphid Still waiting for your pathetic excuse for using a racist phrase. It's becoming more and more apparent that you cannot provide any excuse or refute the arguments that demonstrate your racist nature so you have to resort to childish attacks on me personally. But don't worry, it's just as pathetic as any answer you would have given to defend your racist post and just as demonstrable regarding your racist personality. Racists often resort to insults when confronted with their racism.

@redbai Please explain why my usage of " All lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be" is a racist comment?

@Triphid I provided an article above. Go read it.

@redbai Have done so and imo, it does NOT state that my comment was in any way, shape nor form Racist.
So, PLEASE feel most free to hop down from your Soap-box and give, perhaps, some other more deserving person a fair go for a change.

@Triphid An article that is called "Why All Lives Matter Is Actually Racist" doesn't state that the comment "All Lives Matter" is racist? You can't be that stupid.

@redbai AND, DID I NOT state in MY comment QUITE clearly and most succinctly " That ALL LIVES MATTER?"
Or is it merely a case of you having selective and prejudicial reading in which you see ONLY what you WISH to see and NOT the intent of the Writer.?
As a personal adaption to a very old saying here, " There are NONE so Blind as those who see ONLY what the WISH to see decided ONLY upon the prejudicial thinking, there are ONE so DEAF as those who wish to HEAR what suits their very OWN prejudicial ideologies."
My I humbly suggest that WHEN you shake off your ideologies of Personal Persecutions coming from those whom you so readily mis-read/mis-understand then you may well become a more enlightened and freer person from your own prejudicial, ways.

@Triphid AND, DID I NOT state in MY comment QUITE clearly and most succinctly that your comment was racist just as the article points out?

So your statement is RACIST just like I and the article claim. You asked for an argument that demonstrates it and I provided one. You have yet to address the argument, you just keep pretending that it doesn't exist. It's as if your brain is programmed to avoid actually addressing evidence that points to your racist personality traits.


Should have found him guilty of conspiracy to commit murder.


Still think he should've face first degree murder and all the other cops on scene should've been charged as accessories.

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