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By these numbers, why vaccinate?
5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC

  1. Got 1 in 2400 chance of catching covid globally.

  2. In my province it's 1 in a million chance of dying of covid within one year. Yet covid is mentioned in most
    paragraphs, everywhere.

  3. Overall I got 99.98 chance of survival if I catch covid.

  4. They are up to 900 million doses so far worldwide distribution. Yet it will take many 10s of billions doses to vaccines humans populations worldwide to go. Forgetting about 70% of these viruses come from animals.

  5. They have done a great job shutting down the economy and travel to force us to take the vaccines. When our immune system stands a far better chance of survival than the genocide vaccines.

Billions of vaccination - one.
What do your bet on your life?

Castlepaloma 8 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm sure it's out of the question for you to consider but with a virus that you can have and pass without knowing you're doing it, protecting others around you might be a worthy thing to accomplish. What was the downside to the vaccine again?

lerlo Level 8 Apr 21, 2021

Too many vaccines downside for me to get into. I'm justing trying to reach people on a simple commonsense level for them to protect themselves from harm. All kinds of people would just shut me down or completely ignore or call me every most horrible name under sun. For speaking out that corporate CEO worldwide have raised by 20% since this planedemic started. Or record bankruptcy and unemployment dumping down to levels of the great depression. You don't hear about flu hardly anymore its switched to covid. Even the CDC said it's only purly 6% covid on covid deaths certificate. Getting $13,000 for that and $39,000 for ventilator. Why work so hard for all the greater ways to die. Everyone needs to put something on their own table by the end of the day and who really cares anymore?

@Castlepaloma well if you want to believe all the conspiracies you might expect to get called names...yes it's all in the name of making money...people aren't talking about car accidents either anymore, damn. The amazing part is that it's a WORLDWIDE conspiracy!!! This whole COVID hoax. We've convinced the whole world to buy into it and die just for our cause. You can't get into the vaccine downsides because there aren't any. But we certainly know of the lasting side effects of COVID (death not included). Check out Ted Nugent COVID denier and his reaction to the COVID he got. I'm sure it was really indigestion.

I am not a denier of covid existence , in fact I support it until I found out the usually suspect behind it. Not worth the expense of 10 other greater ways to die listed according to WHO. You couldn't picked a freakier nutcase than Ted Nugent a Trumper.

Why not use Ron Paul
Says Anthony Fauci’s statement that the coronavirus death rate is 10 times that of the seasonal flu is “a claim without any scientific basis."


You would have to be as much a denier as Ten Nugent to think there is no downsides to covid vaccines. Bill Gate states 80% people will get sick from each jabs dose. Did you forget that 5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans got COVID-19, including 74 Dead: CDC. I'm sure even those numbers, are as fake as hell.

They only got started, they only need 20 or 50 times more dose to service the entire human planet . That's not including 70% of the viruses sources from animals to humans .
That's like they need 80% of the world to wear safe bicycle helmets. In order for your bicycle helmet to work.

@Castlepaloma Cant even imagine why you'd make a post about something so insignificant...I notice you still didnt list a problem with the vaccine and they aren't getting sick it's an immune response to the vaccine...but you wouldnt know anything about that. You're right though, 5800 deaths vs. THREE MILLION are the odds to look at--who in their right mind would take a vaccine at those odds? I'm sure when you get COVID it will be like the flu or getting in a car accident...nothing to do with the hoaxers keeping people from dying early which means the economy wouldnt have tanked...see New Zealand.

@Castlepaloma and the suspect worldwide is......drum roll

I would have to kill you if I told you. Since I don't do that, I can give you hidden hints along the way, then deny them.


Please don't get vaccinated, you may take down a few others but it is collateral damage worth having you out of the gene pool. Your freedom, your choice. BYE!

Yeah!!! screw the poor, hail the wealthy.. Trust your political leaders, they would never lie to you.

Are you running away?

@Castlepaloma Be Free Man, do whatever you want, scream at the sky if it gives you solace.


I got well over a 100 times greater chance of dying of something else than covid. Nice to stick around the beautiful gene pool to help others out of the mud.

@Castlepaloma I'm an Anarchist Libertarian politically so whatever you like, just do it and don't impact me or mine, unless you want to be fertilizing my garden. Are we done now?
You keep spouting your anti-vaxxer bull shit and frankly I think you are talking in an echo chamber for the most part. I have a backhoe, I know how to dispose of unwanted bodies and my garden always needs more compost.


Why pick a veterinary to do brain surgery on you. When you can have worldclass brain surgeon do it best.
I've Won 185 international awards in many forms of sculpture and a few of them were in botanical and vegetables gardens.
Get your slaves labor to do it, and please don't harm them.

@Castlepaloma Hopeless, absolutely hopeless but let me redirect you to a group that will really appreciate your thoughts and opinions.


Your constantly incorrect.

@Castlepaloma You're

You can keep those covid jab coming for a few times a year. Like the flu shots that are 40% effective even after a 100 years.

Bill Gates plans its going to get 10 times worse with covid in the near future.
You should feel like a sickly sore porcupine in your outlawed garden. Gates will be doing all that for you.

@Castlepaloma Do you even Science at all? Do you understand how virus mutation works?
I do but 4 years of microbiology and genetics training will teach you that, chipping away at marble to make it look pretty will not.
The more of the population that remains unvaccinated means that there are more host bodies in which the virus can mutate as a minor percentage of the virus population. Eventually you get all of the unvaccinated population acting as a brooder cell to create new variants that will jump past the protection of the vaccine and cause the cycle to start all over again.
That's what herd immunity means, when enough dumb dumbs are dead and havingtaken a bunch of responsible people along with them, the virus eventually runs out of hosts before it can mutate again to jump the immunity barrier. The Spanish Flu, The Black Death, Small Pox, ETC ETC.
Go chip away at some rocks until you get the message or the rocks in your head do you in, all part of herd immunity.

Science is like a branch in the tree of life.
I incorperate science into everything I do. Eco villages, tiny house communities, 6 arcre theme park, dinosaurs and human history museums. My daughter and i are international renowned artist for most waking hours of our lives. Who tour all the continents and its very important we continue to share with the world by travelling.

Covid being much like the flu and sars will mutate much the same way, maybe for a 100 years. Unless all those dangerous mental in the ingredients means something else. I just don't trust billionaires and trillionaires or Rockefeller, CEOs and banksters. Who plan to weaken or own us, for more for themselves . The 99% are not that stupid. They will turn it into a no bribery and debt system. No slavery, homeless and corruption medical system. Yes, a new world order of optimism.

@Castlepaloma Only idiots look up to the rich and powerful as role models, these are just greedy and power hungry people, many of whom are sociopaths. As someone said 'imagining that your politician cares about you is like expecting that the stripper is in love with you because you put a $20 bill in her Gstring.'
Science isn't about that, viruses are equal opportunity, they will infect anyone they can because they need host bodies to continue to exist, rich or poor doesn't matter. I will tell you one thing though and this is truth - the rich communities always get vaccinated before the poor ones. Gee, I wonder why that is?
Check out Nadir Khalil's work, some of it is very interesting and could be of use to you but get vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna if possible, they were made properly and will give you the best resistance to the new variants, especially the one coming out of India that will target your kids and not you so much.

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