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#FOXandFASCISTS #DomesticTerrorists #SEDITION Want #Children To Get #COVID To Close #Schools & They Want #Police Called & #PoliceShootings To Spark #Protests #Violence & #Riots On #StateTV #SeditionTV #Sabotage #Conspiracy #Obstruction Of #PresidentBiden #Democrats & #America

HankHunter13 7 Apr 27

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As responsible as Trump for the shit hole country we are right now.


Fascist death cult enablers!!!


What a clown posy, and they're all about destroying America by replacing the government with authoritarianism. Vile disgusting fascist terrorism.


If Fucker Carlson accosted my kid, I beat him to a pulp and hopefully wouldn't kill him. I have a good lawyer.

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