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PROOF: "War House" where Trump's pre-insurrection conclave was held. So many lies have been told about this event that no investigator could doubt its centrality to the events of January 6. #Insurrection #FailCoup

HankHunter13 7 Apr 27

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There was a pre insurrection meeting at Trump hotel. The Seth Abramson substack link is super paywalled. []

yes, yes, i posted both of them. so many "crimes against the united states". we need a january 6 crime commission.

@HankHunter13 Two questions. Do you know Linnie's, NBA boycott bar? Where are the two links you posted?

@barjoe i've been posting in generals & hellos, politics, and news, today. leningrad lindsey is a whore.

@HankHunter13 Jay Linneman. Some of this posts are private.

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