This is a hypothetical, however, it is something to think about. Our bodies are basically a chemical-electrical battery our brain is our central processing unit (CPU) so in essence, on some level, a binary language runs our bodies. The future could include traveling through light waves with our conscious right through a computer interface device of some sort. Even creating cures with whatever binary language that runs bodies. I know it seems SIFI you have to remember at one point star treck had personal communicators. Now just about everyone has a cell phone. Nanorobots are just recently coming into use for medical purposes.
Geeze... its good we don't use all our brain. We would be all gone just by the thought of a spoiled brat kid.
I like the hypothesis that our bodies are a chemical electrical system (though more than a battery), but I don't think we are binary, at least not in our thinking. I don't know if it's unique to humans or not, since I've not studied animals enough to have an opinion, but we are capable of seeing and understanding issues on a spectrum and of understanding a multitude of perspectives. Still, when I think about life or death issues, I think the chemistry of the combination of sperm and egg starts whatever makes us human and that once the chemistry fizzles out (or ends abruptly), that's it. No soul. No after life. What puzzles me, though, is that if one can't destroy energy or matter, what happens to that energy?