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A “Poison Pill” in HR 1:

** While HR1 is sold as a way to get money out of politics and to protect voters, it contains a ‘poison pill’ for democracy and opposition parties like the Green Party” said Green Party National Co-Chair Tony Ndege. “How can they call this bill ‘For The People’ when they are silencing alternative parties at a time when more people than ever are demanding more political choice?”

“The Green Party stands opposed to this bait-and-switch legislation that claims to improve access to voting while actually dismantling everyone's right to organize electorally against the parties of War and Wall Street,” said Green Party National Co-Chair Gloria Mattera. “In recent presidential elections, Greens have been the only candidates to participate in the primary matching funds program. HR1 must be amended to stop this attack on presidential campaign matching funds that Green candidates have relied on for almost a decade — or the bill must fail.”

The Green Party is calling attention to other problematic provisions in HR1, which will:

Abolish the general election campaign block grants parties may access by winning at least 5% of the vote in the previous presidential election

Replace those general election block grants (where candidates receive one lump sum for all campaign expenses) with matching funds through Election Day — a step backwards for public campaign finance reform. Qualifying for general election matching funds will depend on meeting the new primary matching funds criteria designed to squeeze out alternative parties and independent candidates

Eliminate the limits on donations and expenditures candidates can receive and make

Inflate the amount of money national party committees can give to candidates from $5000 to $100 million, an astonishing increase of 1999900%*

yvilletom 8 May 7

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Fact of the matter is that u$a is a 2 party system. More parties have 0 chance of winning, only doing well enough to affect the outcome, and I'm no longer for supporting a monkey wrench option. I was going to vote for Nader but switched to Gore b/c of how close it was so don't give me lofty rhetoric about speech. Ralph had every right to run but doing so didn't work out well for this nation (maybe the world).

You’ll get no lofty rhetoric about speech from me; you may get some down and dirty speech about political power.

@yvilletom The people hold the power if they care to keep it. They did in 2020 and, hopefully, will again in 2022 and 24. That should put this current cancer into remission for another 70 years. As for the rightness or wrongness of only 2 parties we have only to look toward Italy and a few other nations which have problems concentrating power and, therefore, direction. Want to be a world leader? Then you have to be able to make decisions and implement them. Too many parties dilute that ability.


Hardly a poison pill. It just means the Green Party wouldn't get any of that money. It's more like it shouldn't be given out at all.

Gore would have won handily but for Nader in 2000, and Hillary in 2016, and see what that got us. Yeah, we should be so grateful to the Green Party for giving us W Bush and Trump. Thanks too much. And by the way, Stein is also a Putin puppet.

In 2000 SCOTUS stopped the counting and gave us W Bush. In 2016 the electoral college gave us Trump.


The Green Party is a big fat moneymaker for its candidates & absolutely nothing else. STFU.

CYE ( Close Your Eyes ) cuz I won’t STFU.

Until more Americans have the direct initiative, referendum and recall, the two major parties will be moneymakers for their candidates and for the governing class.

@yvilletom i do not disagree with your statement, I just find it offensive that the worst offender in this area is the biggest whiner.


Remember, the two major parties would rather lose to each other then to a third party.

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