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Ted Cruz one of the top leaders of the January 6th 2021 INSURRECTION!!!

Ted Cruz the most traitors' US Senator, time to remove this obstructionist republican fascist from office!!!

IrreverentArtGeek (@GardinerArt) Tweeted:
@lawindsor @tedcruz It’s funny to watch Cancun Cruz recoil from this deranged woman. Usually it’s women (including his own daughter) recoiling from him...if they’re not getting elbowed in the face (see Heidi). []

of-the-mountain 9 May 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Comrade Cruz without his cigar!!!


Rafeal Cruz is human puss

Leetx Level 7 May 10, 2021

And to think Texas could have elected Beto. Don't swear in public, Beto!

The obstructionist republican fascists rigged the election for Betto, just like they did with MJ!!!

That is why they are pushing these Jim Crow 2.0 hypercritical draconian fascists election laws!!!

So they can continue to steal and falsify all election results!!!

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