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shrunken head used in movie as a prop turns out to be human

Larimar 8 May 12

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I’m not shocked in the least, you do know the Crypt keeper from HBO was molded from actual human bones, not that they’re part of the puppet now, they were cast in resin from molds created from the bones of a cadaver from India.

He also has Chucky's eyes.


Let’s not lose our heads over this.



bobwjr Level 10 May 12, 2021

I assume that it's illegal to possess an authentic shrunken head. I've seen them in museums. Your link is for something else. []

The agnostic glitch, when I opened it to edit, it was the right link......I just pasted it again


Lots of human skeletons that get used as movie props in horror movies used to be actual people, too. It's cheaper and easier to use the real thing than to make fake ones for the movie. I recently learned this little tidbit of useless trivia from watching a documentary on how horror movies are made.

Deb57 Level 8 May 12, 2021
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