Bible was written in Hebrew.
Christians in America are wasting their time worshiping Jesus in English and Christians in the Philippines are wasting their time worshiping Jesus in Filipino.
Jesus only understood Hebrew.
Quran was written in Arabic.
Muslims in Iran are wasting their time worshiping Allah in Persian and Muslims in Indonesia are wasting their time worshiping Allah in Indonesian.
Allah only understood Arabic.
Ramayan, Geeta and Vedas were written in Sanskrit.
Hindus in West Bengal are wasting their time worshiping Vishnu in Bengali and Hindus in Tamil Nadu are wasting their time worshiping Vishnu in Tamil.
Vishnu only understood Sanskrit.
There are around 7,000 languages spoken on Earth. Languages were created by humans. Isn't it odd that the so called creator of the universe didn't make a uniform language for its creation (humans)?
Now some fundamentalists would say "God understands all languages". My argument to this statement would be, imagine if I create a new language, I come up with a word "Jabapokatintakora", I can give it any meaning. Does god understand this new language I just created a few seconds ago?
If yes, where is it mentioned in the religious scriptures or books? Or god personally told you that it understood this word? If yes, tell me what it means?
If an historical Jesus really did exist, it is likely that he spoke Aramaic, as well as Hebrew and even Greek. The books and letters comprising the New Testament were written not in Hebrew but in Greek.
That said, your point is well taken and goes to demonstrate the simple reality that what one believes is, more than anything else, a factor of where one is born.