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The irony of religious people is that they hate people of other religions but also believe that their god created every human.

If your god created every human, why do you hate the other creations of your god?

And if you think your god only created the people of your religion, I have to say that your god is a good copy cat. It created the exact same features as gods of other religions did. A pair of eyes, a nose, two ears, lips, hands, legs, a cute butt and in some cases, a deadly tumor.

Monty13 4 May 17

Enjoy being online again!

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“Each nation has created a god, and the god has always resembled his creators. He hated and loved what they hated and loved, and he was invariably found on the side of those in power. Each god was intensely patriotic, and detested all nations but his own. All these gods demanded praise, flattery, worship.”
“The Gods” 1874

And so begins one of Robert Green Ingersoll‘s best speeches!


Welcome to the site, I can tell you're going to make wonderful contributions.
Some Christians have a pitiful explanation that people who have not been exposed to Christianity will probably not be damned to hell. Note the word probably.


Good point. Though I think that theists will just put their fingers in their metaphorical ears, and pretend they don't understand it, fall back on faith, or produce some incredible logic chopping long trail of an argument, in the hopes that everyone will get lost along the way and not spot the logical failings when they come up.

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