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Cat, getting that religious feeling...
{Kind of looks like that laser light on a stick}
It knows it's something freaky/powerful... better leave this alone... but WTF? This must be from the Great Cat in the Sky. Teach me, oh Great One...

EarnestEccentric 7 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Something tells me this calm moment of Zen is about to be shattered by clamor and chaos.

You possibly a burning house


I am a cat what due you expect???


Insert CATechism joke here.


The movement of the flame is soooo attractive.

So is the movement of a burning cat.

@Willow_Wisp If not watched closely, that is a definite possibility.

@Willow_Wisp That would be like a Cat On A Very Hot Tin Roof I suppose.

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