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It is common knowledge that no god interfered with Hitler, as he caused the murder of six million humans, during world war II. Yet, religious people expect this same god, to bless the food, they are about to eat. (And cure their hangnail, help them pass a test at school, and find the car keys). How silly it is that so many people fail to recognize how silly religion is.

tfg1929 6 May 24

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It's irrational, God's chosen get slaughtered

bobwjr Level 10 May 25, 2021

Yes, that is a puzzlement. Hard to understand how people can believe the good in a god, but not the bad. Just like any political maneuver propaganda is strong. But impossible for me to understand why they didn't trust their own judgment that perhaps the actions being taken couldn't possibly be the will of any loving god. Their god is the same god of the Jews as of the Christians. Jesus was a Jew, whether real or fictional... Christianity came after. Just can't help but shake my head at how anyone could rationalize the holocaust then or now. But they do. Propaganda is a strong machine.


considering the degree to which religion has become a part of cultures all over the planet and how significant religion is to so many, its silly on steroids to not recognize that the religious experience is so prevalent and foundational to the human experience that it plays the role it does, and will continue for a long time coming. get real.


When asked why God didn't stop the holocaust, they will tell you it was the Lord's will.


Where are you coming up with that 6 million figure. The Soviet Union lost 27 million. Germany lost over 5 million mostly on the Russian front. The 6 million figure might come close to covering concentration camp deaths.

The 6 million is approximately the # of German Jewish people killed. There were so many more, including gays, Romany, differently-abled, Catholics and non-Germans of course. Forgotten victims include all Opposition including news media people, for whom Dachau was specially built.

@AnneWimsey For once we agree on something.


God is the guy that roots for everyones favorite sports team, and I mean everyones favorite sport team.

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