Every religious group that I know of has some kind of weird dogma that to me is beyond reason. Just to name a few..wear sacred underwear and keep tons of food stored in your pantry or garage, don't take medicine or have blood transfusions, fast for a week, separate from your family, have lots of children even if you live in poverty, give away your last dollar even if it means using a credit card, don't cut your hair, cover your face and body if your a woman, remove children from parents, fly airplanes into buildings..beat your wife, etc, etc.
There's an old story/joke about a bench that always had a man standing on each side of it; one pair would be replaced by another so there would always be someone there. When asked why, no one knew; it was just something they'd always done. Turns out that years ago, the original two men were just asked to stand there and make sure no one sat on the newly painted bench while the paint dried.
Rituals are like this. Passed down from generation to generation and mostly useless.
Beyond evolutionary causes, as mentioned by @skado , I suspect that these silly rules are also a powerful force for group cohesion. Kind of like a secret handshake.
Has this been some sort of Revelation for you?
No, I just work with a group of clique Catholics that are smart but just never question their religion. It totally gets on my nerves when I hear them talk! I just had to vent.
@2muchstupidity Understood, your vent was well taken feel free to vent on if necessary, I grew up catholic gezus chrispy.
Welcome to reality and the shit-for-brains people that exist in it!
And you intend to solve this how ?
I'm not. I never said I'd try.