I was gonna say tRump & his wife a few years after his impeachment when he's exiled to S. Africa, but found out below it's the founder of JimmyJohns. I haven't eaten there yet, & I surely won't now! Hunting for food is understandable, tho I don't do it myself, I've had far too many friends that did & so did generations before, responsibly. Trophy hunting is despicable! Period! You fat fuck! Try & take on a lion with only a knife if you think your such a big shit! The pride could feast on you for days!
I think he is the epitome of “sack of sh*t”. Who gets their jollies from that ?
I grew up in the sticks of Louisiana. Haven’t hunted in over 35 years since I was a kid. But we were not well off and we ate what we hunted - primarily squirrel, duck, deer. Venison was the meat of choice during the winter.
Killing this lion or any other type of ‘trophy’ hunting is repugnant beyond all belief.
Amen and Amen!
Too bad somebody didn't mistake him for an elephant and blast his fat ass.
Oh YES!!!!
This is Jimmy John Liautaud the founder and CEO of Jimmy John's Sandwiches. (That pig lives near me.)
He and his sons like to kill animals for fun.
Please, never eat there.
Fortunately, we are not plagued with them in So Cal, as far as I know. But, I will look out for them, and not patronize. I also do not eat Papa John's Pizza anymore.
I have known about Jimmy John's founder for a while. I have avoided Jimmy Johns since I found out what kinda asshole he is, which kinda makes me sad cuz I liked their sandwiches. But I vote with my paycheck, they don't get my vote.
@HippieChick58 He started the business here and there are stores all over the place.
They also advertise about how fast they deliver, their drivers are dangerous and I've seen them do some insane things trying to get there on time.
@Paul628 I see their stores. One of my kids went to KU and she raved about the store near them, so when they came to Omaha we had to try it. Jimmy John's started by college campuses deliberately, lots of cheap labor and huge market for fast food. I have never noticed the drivers being irresponsible, but I get why they would. I remember the commericals from back when I had cable.
@HippieChick58 I live in the middle of the Univesity of Illinois. This where it all started.