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Is macromastia a case of having too much of a good thing?

anglophone 9 June 15

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Never having to suffer this, I cannot give first-hand comment, but I know more than one women who had bust reduction surgery, in order to improve their posture and reduce back pain. Also, good supporting brassieres, especially for large-breasted women are extremely expensive. Quite frankly, women do not understand the male fascination with breasts. They are mammary glands that nurtured you from birth, not your sex toys.

Thanks for your comment the expense of decent brassieres for large-breasted women. I had missed that point.

My favorite male idea about breasts is that bigger breasts mean higher sex drive.
As If genetics had nothing to do with the huge ones I grew at age 11.
Should have gotten my reduction at 18, not 68.......

@anglophone I used to bodybuild, but could never compete as my trapezoid muscles were completely, irretrievably atrophied due to heavy-duty bra straps


Titillating. Never too much!

barjoe Level 9 June 15, 2021


@anglophone I disagree with what I said as well. More than a mouthful is a waste.

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