Some of the posts here are serious in tone and beg a serious response. Some, on the other hand, seem made for a wise-ass answer, no matter what the category. Some could go either way. How about you? If you want a serious discussion and someone posts a wise-ass reply, how do you feel about it?
Hey, Folks! I have received many replies to this post, for which I want to thank you very much. I was not complaining about any replies to my posts, just seeking your opinions. With one exception, I have valued the replies, whether serious, smart-ass, or in-between on any/all of my posts. You are entitled to your opinion. If I ask for it, then it's fine to give it. In this forum, I'm usually glad to get it whether requested or not. As one who often gives flippant, punny, or sarcastic replies I appreciate the same from others. I just thought you should know where I stand. Peace to you.
"This is the internet.". shrug
"People gonna people."
Usually, I will respond to a serious post with a serious answer.
Sometimes, I just can't help myself, and a wise-ass reply comes flying out of my fingers and hits 'enter', before I have a chance to think better of it.
It's not meant to be disrespectful. However, a little levity in the face of something serious isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I live for it. I've had to hold back a few times. Many hilarious but offensive comments have died behind my eyes. Generally, if someone is taking themselves a little too seriously, kinda boring, projecting a lot of assumptions, or clearly picking some kind of fight... they are presenting themselves as a target for wise-assery. I'm okay with some teasy jabbery, but I know some people are thinner skinned then I. If I intend to be offensive, I'm usually pretty clear about it.
I don't care which way it goes. Your wise ass remark says more about you. How I understand it says more about me.
My answer to that is usually silence. I know how sharp my tongue can be. I am not here for showing off or hurting anyone with my replies.
I enjoy both, even on the most serious of questions a good laugh never hurt anyone.
It depends. If the person is only trying to put a person down, then it is nto appreciated.
If it is genuinely clever and funny, then it is apprecited. Even the most serikous subjects can use a little comic relief.
Like your typing skills?!? LOL (Just kidding ya'!)
@phxbillcee you heard the gentleman!...not appreciated. I know you're kidding and snytiger6 is good peole.
@phxbillcee PEOPLE!!! not intentional
I actually enjoy reading the spectrum of replies since it reflects society. It would be very boring here if one type of reply was a constant. Humour has it's place in serious situations and vice versa. I have understood a long time ago that a question usually begs an anticipated answer. It's a form of judgement on others sometimes. The ones I see accept all forms of responses are usually the open minded people I like to hang-out with.
No one is required to respond in a way I "expect" them to respond. Tone/Context is not always clear...and someone may not take the post seriously. That is NOT their fault...
Also, some rants/serious posts are just so ridiculous it's hard to take them seriously when they sound like nothing more than someone being an attention whore. Poor dears.
Who you calling a wise-ass?!?
Hahaha!!! Good man
Usually myself.
I DO understand.
Same here.. I don't see anyone really has need to apologise we are all grown ups (mostly lol)
I figure there's humour in almost anything. Almost.
It doesn't matter to me if they joke about it. I need a good laugh so I'm not so serious all the time.
I actually like both in response to a serious question, but only smart arse answers for smart arse questions.
Yes indeed! You my friend Get It!
It depends on the question and how I feel. I do feel like Robinson Crusoe in an ocean of fools sometimes.
im on the fence about that one. on the one hand, im all for the right to say and think whatever you feel like. i think if you post something on a public forum, you need to expect that there may be views out there you don't like. but on the other hand, i can understand that while i feel that you have the right to say and think whatever you want, i don't think you are exempt from the consiquences. for example, if a person posted something saying they had been raped, while i do feel you have a right to think or say whatever you want, i also think that if you say something like haha you deserved it, or yay! rape party! (idk what freaking supporters of rape would say, ive never met one!) there may be consiquences, and you earned them. i personally find many things where i think being a wise ass would be the wrong response, but thats me. you do you, just remember those pesky consiquences, lol
Since I am the one most likely to post a snarky remark, of course I think a bit of levity can sometimes be a good thing!