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Just making a point.

redbai 8 July 4

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Why would she be representing her nation in the Olympics if she hates it?
I’m guessing it’s a ploy for sponsorship money since she couldn’t do better than third and won’t place in the Olympics. Just a guess.

See how you lie in the first sentence? Where did anything say that she hates America? It's an ignorant assumption you have to make to rant the rest of your stupid comment.

@redbai Her job is to represent the US. If she’s going to disrespect the nation she is ‘representing’ and to say “the United States is not for me”; she clearly doesn’t like the country

@CourtJester She is representing the United States, you just don't like how she's doing it. Tough shit. Instead of whining like a little bitch, beat her at her sport and replace her. Oh, you can't, again - tough shit.

Where did she say that the US was not for her? Oh, she didn't. You're just putting words in her mouth so that you can lie about her. Normal racist shit for you.

@redbai I went into medicine. I suppose if the best I offered society was slinging a hammer and trashing the nation that gave me the opportunity to do it, I’d be a little mentally bitter too.
On the bright side; if she finished Third in US qualifying, she’ll likely not place at all up against the rest of the world. I’m sure it will be because of racism or Trump rather than ability.

@CourtJester Blah, blah, blah. IOW, you cannot achieve what she did and thus can't earn the platform that she has and "represent' the country as you think it should be. Again, tough shit. That means she gets to do it and you can't do a damn thing about it.

@redbai I have no desire to throw a hammer. It’s such an ignorant sport, it’s only shown once ever 4 years. It’s almost as bad soccer. Real sports are on two wheels at triple digit speeds. I’m sure you can’t do that, throw a hammer, or afford either or have the work ethic to practice at either.
And that warms my heart.

@CourtJester Who gives a fuck what you desire, can or cannot do? She's earned the right to represent America and you can't do a damn thing about it but whine.

@redbai she’s representing herself. Not America. And third place in the National trials, seldom does much on the world stage. She’s strikingly mediocre at best. Let’s wait for the end result of her efforts. We’ll see if she should have worked harder and protested less.

@CourtJester She's not representing the racist aspects of America, that's true. Which is why you don't feel represented by her. I have no problem with her representing America and I think she's doing a wonderful job at it. My being an American, that means she's representing America.

Her end results don't matter as she's already made the necessary statement. What matters is that she stood up against giving honor to a racist song and that for those Americans against that racism, it matters very much. It also matters that acting as she did makes her more American than the disgusting traitors who attacked the capitol on 1/6. The fact that you'd rather talk about her peacefully protesting and not the white traitors who attacked the capitol means you fit the mold of the meme, at least the racist part.

@redbai non-whites have the highest personal income and highest prosperity in the US than any other nation on earth. Absolutely any nation on the planet. Please explain the racism that she is experiencing as an elite athlete in a career that 99.9% of athletes only dream of achieving.

@CourtJester Blah, blah blah. None of that is relevant in the least. If you don't see it you don't understand the concept well enough to see it and I don't have any reason to enlighten you.

Your focus on whining about peaceful protesting (an act protected by the Constitution) instead of addressing a white, racist violent attempt to take over the capitol and overthrow an free and fair election (an act NOT sanctioned by the Constitution) shows such a disgusting bias towards American traitors that it's amazingly hypocritical for you to claim to be an American.

@redbai A simple “I’m 100% unable to answer that” would have sufficed and saved you some time.

@CourtJester And there's that racist trope where you replace my words with some bullshit so you don't have to actually address what I say. Either that or you have a reading comprehension problem and can't understand the words written.

All that BS you've been writing for the last few days and not one word of recrimination of the white rioters. They're just fine. But the black lady who did nothing except act as any free person from a free country has a right to do, you find offense. The bias is stunningly obvious and you're still to stupid to see it.

@redbai I’m still waiting for an explanation. Do you have a GED?

@CourtJester No. You're pathetically trying to change the subject from the meme because you cannot address it intelligently but you don't want to leave while not appearing to have put me in my place. It's a racist trope that I like poking and you're a great tool for that.

@redbai I’ll take that as a “No”.

It’s funny because it’s true

@CourtJester You'll take it as a no because if you don't your whole racist world falls apart. Again, the racist deals with his delusion instead of what I actually said. Funny you can't find her actually saying she hates America, you're just assuming it because she doesn't share your racist view of America. Again, lying about what black Americans say and feel so that you can attack your make believe views instead of what black people actually say.


Try degenerate psychopath.


Might be? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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