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Still never found that sock

Lorajay 9 July 6

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Check the toaster oven. I don't know how things end up in there, but life likes a good joke as well as everyone else.


I have a surefire way of finding that sock. After about 3 months of waiting for the other sock to appear I finally cut it up and use it for bandages. The very next day I go to put on a shirt that I haven't worn in a while and the sock is in the sleeve
Then I have more bandages.

So True! My Mom wore clip earrings, I used to find the most gorgeous ones at yard sales for almost nothing, many times they hadn't even put them out.......
Especially in coat-wearing seasons, they got lost....but Never throw the "spare" away, the original wwill show up rimmediately after you the driveway, the map pocket, the coat pocket, somebody else's pocket or purse, entangled in a scarf


Totally digested by now.


And never will

bobwjr Level 10 July 6, 2021
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