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The white ideological right states that if race is a false human concept and not a reality, then racism is equally false. Then, m they reason, “critical race theory” is wrong at its very core. That false reasoning has all of the logical and rational value of a hole in the head.

I believe that race is a false human concept. However, when one uses differences in physical characteristics and cultural patterns as a basis for discrimination, bias, the treatment as an undesirable “other”, he or she is acting as though race is a reality. And, his or consequent behavior to distinguish the person(s) as “other”, he or she is acting as though race is a real thing. His or her behavior is real, and it is racism. It is as simple as that.

Most of the proclamations of the white ideological right are just as flawed, or more so. Why any thinking person believes such crap is difficult for me to understand.

wordywalt 9 July 8

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"RACE" in biology refers to the separation of species due to geographic isolation. A group breaks off from a parent group and becomes geographically isolated. The Principles of Evolution take over, over time; Natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, etc.

After a while the two groups (parent and splinter) group may superficially resemble one another, but their genome is different enough from one another to call them two separate races. If they encountered each other in the wild they would precieve one another as competing species, but would not naturally interbreed (but probably could under certain conditions).

Humans do not fit the definition of "races" as humans have not been constrained and geographically isolated. Every group on the planet at one time or another has been visited by an outside group, who in turn has go on to visit other groups. Because of this no specific genetic markers select for "race" in humans. It is all sexual selection and cultural defining what we call race.

We are a product of European colonialism which was based upon racism and cultural obliteration for the sake of resource exploitation.


Beware of idiots trying to downplay a very real problem that They have supported & created, i.e. the justification of hatred towards others.


The reason for believing that there are no races, is it has to be admitted a partially subjective value based one, but it is a very powerful subjective judgment based on a very remarkable scientific truth. Which is that the human population passed though a genetic bottle neck a hundred thousand years approx ago. Which mean that the human species as a whole is less genetically diverse that the average family of chimps, or litter of puppies, and we do not award race status to divisions of chimps or dogs.


The distinction is one of cultural, not genetics. Biological speaking,"races" do not have a genetic marker in the human genome. The human population has spread across the globe and so thoroughly intermarriage as to allow for a geographically isolated race if humans. Aspects of all populations we identify as separate races occurs in All human genomes across the planet.

The differences we see as races is primarily an artifact of sexual selection, reinforced by culture. Not genetic differences. Since it is primarily "cultural", which in itself an artifact of the human conscience, it is not a "false" concept. "Critical race theory" is a conscious construct and is very much relevant and a rational theory to explain the role of racism and race in society.

I will not waste my effort in formulating a real response.


This is a biogical fact. One that in well known by evolutionary biologists.

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