88 10

Name THREE things about yourself and one not true. Let me guess which one's not true.

Redcupcoffee 7 Apr 18

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  1. I'm deathly allergic to pears.
  2. I play the clarinet.
  3. I have a life size cutout of Kylo Ren in my living room.

You love pears!

no clarinet

The untrue one is #2. I don't, nor have I ever played the clarinet.


(1) I have an 11 year old daughter, (2) I play guitar, (3) I lived my in Florence, Italy.

@Redcupcoffee I actually do have an 11 year old daughter.


I got suspended on my first day of kindergarten.

I lived at a Pagan commune for a couple years.

I am phobic of mayonnaise.

@Redcupcoffee Incorrect. LOL.


*Don't cheat by looking at my profile 🙂
I have never drank alcohol or smoked anything.
People used to call me the "Friendly Giant" and "Big Aus."
I like watching sports, especially football and boxing.
I had a brief phase of being a conspiracy theorist and even dabbled in some new age things.

@Redcupcoffee Close. 3 is false. Four is actually true sadly.

  1. I once took an impromptu trip to a cosplay convention
  2. I love the taste of mustard
  3. I'm a mixed kid.

I have a good sense of humor.
My hair is turning gray.
I'm tall.
I'm overweight.

@Redcupcoffee You're good. Does my pic look short? 🙂


I've been chased in Spain by the police for peeing on their building.
I've been trained by IDF Anti Terrorist Spec Ops
I've actually had to help a rocket scientist
I've been inside Trump Tower.


I love, love, love Cinnabon regular sized cinnamon rolls, warmed up with a big glass of milk or coffee.

I'm a strong supporter of Capitalism.

I like reality TV, especiallly Naked and Afraid.

I'm a fan of Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and most anything Disney.

@Redcupcoffee (LOUD BUZZER SOUNDS) Wrong! Guess again. (Dang! Haven't you read my bio?) =P


1)My first vehicle was a motorcycle
2) My favorite flavor pudding is chocolate
3) I had to repeat calculus in summer school.
4) I learned three foreign languages in school


I am 172cm tall, I like romance novels and I love coffee

@Redcupcoffee Nope I really am 172cm tall (5ft 8" in old money)


I've played this game - ok
I'm afraid of horses
I worked with Marie Osmond
I met Elliot Gould at a bar.
Jay Leno asked me out
I was a professional dancer

wrong-worked with Marie Osmond 8 years ago-have pic but not smart phone

Love horses -had one at 15-wish I had one now.


I am divorced, I have 2 dogs, and I have a Masters Degree in English.

@Redcupcoffee I am divorced, I do have two dogs, and I do not have a Masters Degree in English.


I am not tall
I enjoy the weird/odd things in life
I do not have a belly button
I used to brew my own beer

(you should make us back each of these up with stories about why they are all true)

@Redcupcoffee You are correct! (However, I could certainly spin a tale that make you think otherwise)

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